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Swarnakshi Sharma March 14th, 2022 · 5min read

How Sharing Positive Experiences Can Be The Key To Relationship Longevity + Tips To Boost Longevity

In a recent study by the University of California, Berkeley, it was found that couples who share positive experiences, complete with laughter and love, enjoy better health benefits and tend to live longer than couples who are argumentative and disagree more.

This study was conducted by observing more than a hundred couples, mostly middle-aged and senior married couples. The researchers focused on the small moments where the couples experienced joy, intimacy, and happiness.

Study author Robert Levenson, a psychology professor at UC Berkeley, added in his research,

 “What we found is that having brief shared moments, also known as ‘positivity resonance,’ is a powerful predictor of how healthy we’re going to be in the future and how long we’ll live,”

Positivity resonance is when two people experience a biological and psychological flow of warmth, laughter, love, and a sense of being one. This connection can be blocked by fear, anxiety, and self-doubt.

In this study, it was found that the small intimate moments that couples shared were recorded as key ingredients of a long, happy, and healthy relationship.

Why Do These Shared Positive Experiences Matter?

From how you move to what you do – with or without your partner – and many other lifestyle factors can contribute to your relationship longevity. Couples that share their relaxing times, healthy habits, and even mealtimes, have been proved to have a happier and healthier relationship and relationship longevity. This result was based on the study published in the journal Atherosclerosis.

One of the study authors, Dr. Naoki Nakaya, says that the influence of environmental factors was stronger than the genetic factors. Further, it was added that having a healthier and more positive lifestyle was associated with positive relationship longevity and both partners’ overall well-being.

Benefits Of Positive Lifestyle In Relationships

Did you know that sharing positive experiences with your partner is not only beneficial for your relationship longevity but can have amazing benefits for your mental and emotional health? Here are some benefits of having a positive lifestyle in romantic relationships:

1. Lower Stress Levels

Being in a relationship where laughter and love are the key ingredients, your cortisol levels are low and you are less likely to respond to psychosocial stressors. Having a partner equipped to emotionally support you can lower your stress levels. When you know your partner loves and supports you, it can be an emotional health booster.

2. Better Recovery Rate

Another benefit of having a positive lifestyle in a relationship is having a better recovery rate. Whether it be someone reminding you to take your meds or just having someone to accompany you to therapy, having a happy relationship can increase your recovery rate. With a happy partner, you feel confident in their ability to support you when you’re recovering.

3. Healthier Lifestyle

Healthy relationships equal healthier lifestyle habits. As mentioned in the above study, the factors that contributed to relationship longevity were environmental factors. If you share a healthy lifestyle with your partner or vice versa, then how can you not benefit from a happy relationship?

4. Sense Of Purpose

Having a positive and happy relationship with your partner can bring a sense of purpose into your life. We all want to make a change in our lives and in others too, right? And striving to achieve and share positive experiences in a relationship can help achieve that!

5. Longevity

Did you know that having a positive lifestyle in relationships can not only increase your relationship longevity but also your life span? Yes! Research shows that having happy and positive relationships can add years to your life. Even if you don’t have any romantic relationships, having meaningful social relationships can help you cope with social anxiety, depression, and can bring positive effects on your health.

Tips To Boost Relationship Longevity

1. Consider A Healthy Lifestyle

As I’ve mentioned before, certain environmental factors can influence your and your partner’s behaviors. Behaviors like smoking, drinking, and exercise, are all tied to one another. So when you’re looking for longevity in romantic relationships, it is important to consider avoiding unhealthy lifestyle habits and embracing a healthier lifestyle.

2. Go On Walks Together

One of the easiest ways to incorporate exercise into your lifestyle is to go on walks. And what better way to boost longevity in relationships than going on walks together? A daily walk with your partner can not only help you boost your physical health but can also strengthen your bond. This can also be considered having brief intimate moments with your partner. All in all, I’d consider this as a win.

3. Have A Healthy Sleep Schedule

If we look at individual longevity, having a healthy sleep schedule can be a significant factor. A healthy circadian rhythm where you get at least 7-9 hours of sleep can increase your hormonal health and eventually, your overall psychological and physical health. Again, sharing a healthy sleep schedule with your partner can help in strengthening your bond.

4. Friendly Competitions Are A Yes!

Competing with each other where you encourage a healthy behavioral change is good when you’re looking at boosting longevity in romantic relationships. You can always make these friendly competitions full of fun and flirty activities. The aim here is to let the competition encourage the couple to push each other forward instead of holding them back.

If you ask me, I’d consider having friendly competition as a part of positive and happy relationships over disagreements and unhealthy competition anytime.

I hope that this article helped explain how positive relationships can increase longevity in romantic relationships (and social relationships). If you have any questions, you can write to us at or DM us on social media for more!

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Love, laugh, live, and take care!

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