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Anjali Singh August 3rd, 2022 · 1min read

Podcast Ep. 34 – Do Not Let The Distortions Define You | Fix the Glitch

Do you often let others define you and tell you what is best for you? Well, it is fine till you take it in the form of inspiration and not the roadmap of your life.

The reality that others try to portray us or the way we perceive ourselves often distorts the way we look at us. Which if not taken care of may come in our way to achieve the amazing things that we are capable of. That is why we are going to handle you with an anti-distortion tool kit that will not only help you fix the skewed vision of yourself but also aid in achieving your life goals. To top it all this podcast is inspired by my true life events.

So yes they did work for me! And I hope that this kit will help you fix your vision of yourself because you my dear are capable of great things. Just fix the glitch and discover your best potential.

Good Luck!

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