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CS Team August 2nd, 2022 · 1min read

Podcast Ep. 9 – How Physical Health Impacts Mental Well Being

A Healthy Body Leads To A Healthy Mind.

I believe this is the right way to achieve overall fitness. People often fail to maintain a balance between physical fitness and mental wellbeing. We need to understand that it is essential to keep good care of your body as it has a direct effect on our mental health.

Therefore, it is suggested to get indulge in physical activities for at least 30 mins every day to keep those happy hormones endorphins releasing. You can join a gym, or a swimming class, get yourselves enrolled in kickboxing or resistance training, or dancing as it helps you burn calories. However, while engaging yourselves in this healthy regime, make sure you don’t get obsessed and choose the wrong path to end up stressing yourselves more.

That’s why it is important to keep these things in mind that working out is important but overexerting can spoil things, try to strike a healthy balance between maintaining a healthy body and mental wellness.

Remember the mantra all good things take time and patience.

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