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Aayushi Kapoor August 11th, 2022 · 5min read

5 Love Language to Improve Relationship With Your Partner

Do you regularly try to keep up with your partner and try to always love, support, and appreciate them?

Do they feel loved after expressing your affection to them regularly?

No, right! They often start feeling that they are not loved or supported even after putting in so much effort!

Have you ever wondered what’s going wrong? It may be the way you’re communicating with your partner or maybe you have misunderstood the way they want to receive the love.

Do you know that there are different love languages and identifying your and your partner’s type of love language can help you both in improving your relationship?

In this blog, we are going to discuss the 5 types of love language, how you can identify yours, and how to identify your relationship based on types of love language.

5 Types of Love Languages

There are 5 types of love languages that are based on the ways of expressing and receiving love. The fact behind love languages is that expressing, communicating, receiving, and reflecting on love is different for everyone. This concept was developed by Gary Chapman.

We can highly relate to these love languages because each one of us knows how love speaks for us. By identifying the love language type of you and your partner you will be able to create a better understanding which will help directly improve the quality of your relationship.

Below are the 5 types of love language:

  1. Words of affirmation
  2. Quality time
  3. Physical touch
  4. Acts of service
  5. Receiving gifts

1. Words of affirmation

If your partner loves expressing their love through spoken appreciation, praises, or words, they prefer this type of love language. It’s all about enjoying praises, uplifting quotes, encouragement, kind words, cute text messages, love notes, and more.

2. Quality time

If your partner wants undivided attention, your partner loves to spend quality time with you. In such cases, your partner always wants you to be mindful and focused whenever you are together. This means “quality over quantity” and you must activate your listening skills, make eye-contact, and avoid digital devices.

3. Physical touch

When your partner loves physical touches and feels love only through physical affections, they prefer this type of love language. I do not primarily mean sex, but they prefer feeling loved by being touched, held, cuddled, hugged, or kissed. They feel loved or express their love by physical touches.

4. Acts of service

If your partner loves when you help them in doing chores or running errands, they prefer acts of service. In such a type of a love language, your partner appreciates little things, they notice them and try to reflect on the same.

5. Receiving gifts

Giving gifts is a sign of love and indicates love and affection. But when your partner loves receiving gifts, it’s their type of expressing and showing love. It does not mean that they prefer expensive gifts; it just simply means that they prefer the thoughtfulness and effort behind the choice and love of a gift.

Identifying you and your Partner’s Love Language

From the above description, you might have been able to identify the love language you or your partner prefer!

In the beginning, I was very confused because I felt like I wanted it all, I wanted to be hugged, praised, helped, and all! But if you’re not a “want-it-all” person you can try recalling your relationship, the way you express love, and the way your partner receives love.

Additionally, the fact is that your type of love language will not be the same as your partner’s love language, and finding the compatibility between the two, is the right way of improving the relationship with your partner. Scroll down to the below section to learn how to improve relationships based on types of love language.

Improving Relationships Based on your Type of Love Language

Below are some of the common tips to improve your relationship based on your type of love language:

If you prefer:

  • Words of Affirmation: Try to be more vocal about your needs and keep sending unexpected notes.
  • Physical Touch: Keep using your body language to express love like holding hands, cuddling, or hugging.
  • Acts of Service: Try to do chores together and use phrases like “let me help.”
  • Quality time: Have a focused and uninterrupted conversation with your partner. Try making them more special but always remember “quality over quantity.”
  • Receiving gifts: Provide thoughtful gestures and try to be grateful always.

Dating a Person with each Type of Love Language

Below are some of the common tips to improve your relationship based on your partner’s type of love language:

If they prefer:

  • Words of Affirmation: Always speak meaningful, reassuring, and special words to your loved one. Make sure they are being praised and acknowledged.
  • Physical Touch: Always look forward to kissing, cuddling, and hugging. Try to feel grounded so that you can cultivate love and affection.
  • Acts of Service: Try to take responsibility and pay attention to the things or stuff wherein they want genuine help.
  • Quality time: Try to spend uninterrupted quality time with your partner with no distractions and a meaningful conversation.
  • Receiving gifts: Whenever you plan on gifts, try to give something meaningful and thoughtful. Try to make the effort count instead of the price behind it.

Benefits of Understanding the Types of Love Language

Below are some of the common benefits of identifying your love language and finding the right balance to improve the relationship with your partner:

I hope this blog helps you with understanding the 5 types of love language. Comment down and share what’s your type of love language. For more such content, connect with us on all social media platforms.

Thanks for reading!

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