
Arachnophobia, Cynophobia, Aerophobia, Agoraphobia, Coulrophobia… want to know more about them and other phobias? Take a look at our guides on various phobias and how to cope with them!


What Is Heliophobia (Fear Of Sun Or Sunlight)?

A lot of people on the internet asked, “Is the fear of the sun real?”…

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Mini-Guide: What Is Androphobia (Fear Of Men)?

Androphobia (an-dro-pho-bia) is a specific type of phobia characterized by fear of men. Andros is…

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What Is Dendrophobia (Fear Of Trees)?

When we talk about the fear of trees, it could be a specific phobia related…

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Mini-Guide: What Is Escalaphobia (Fear Of Escalators)?

Have you ever seen people struggling with escalators or elevators in the airport, malls, and…

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Mini-Guide: What Is Ophidiophobia (Fear Of Snakes)?

Snakes are one of the most dangerous reptiles, they can be harmful to people. We…

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Understanding Allodoxaphobia: The Fear of Opinions

When the mere thought of expressing your opinion or receiving the opinions of others scares…

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Trichophobia (Fear Of Hair): What Is It, Symptoms, Causes, Treatment And More

There are certain bad hair days wherein we lose our hair badly; we can see…

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What Are Irrational Fears? Examples, Signs, Causes, And More!

We all have certain fears – some of them stem from obvious reasons, while others…

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Scopophobia : Fear Of Being Watched Or Stared At

Being watched or being stared at is not something anyone enjoys. It’s normal to feel…

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