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Swarnakshi Sharma May 16th, 2022 · 4min read

Music Therapy 101: How Music Helps You Heal?

We have our ways to express our emotions either through art, dance, meditation, or physical exertion. The end goal is always the same: expressing what we feel. Music is a part of our lives from morning to evening. Music has a certain impact on our self – whether we are happy or sad, music gives us a way to convey our emotions.

Music in therapy is an evidence-based therapy that deals with the psychological, emotional, physical, and cognitive needs of a person. Techniques such as listening to soothing melodies and playing a musical instrument while in session can help with addressing those needs. Humans have the ability to differentiate between noise and music so our brains can process the pitch, rhythm, and tempo without fail.

Music can influence our behaviours. A piece of fast tempo music can increase the heart rate, breathing, and blood pressure while slow tempo music helps in relaxation. When we listen to our favourite music, our brain releases dopamine that affects our mood positively. Music has a way to make us feel emotions – joy, sadness, nostalgia.

Music as Medicine

1.Mood Regulator

Listening to music helps improve mood and regulate our emotions and thoughts. Calming music steadies the heart rate and decreases stress. Research has shown that music can reduce stress in patients recovering from surgeries and heart diseases.

2.Is Inspirational

Listening to music releases dopamine, the chemical that triggers the pleasure senses. Music enhances the release of dopamine that motivates physical activity and improves cognitive functions, especially in Alzheimer’s patients. Listening to music creates a pattern that helps the brain to focus and enhance memory.

3.Pain Reliever

Music therapy provides comfort to those in pain. People who listen to music while recovering from surgeries feel less pain than those who don’t. Music help enhance social relations and helps in expressing feelings with ease.

Music Therapy Techniques


This technique is often treated as a coping mechanism where expressing emotions is challenging but useful. This helps patients to process and understand intense emotions that talk therapy cannot provide.

2.Playing musical instruments

Playing instruments can generate self-esteem and confidence. Patients with difficulty in expressing emotions with words can learn to play a musical instrument that can help them communicate with ease. It also gives people a productive outlet and hobby which can help them cope with emotions.


Language disorders like aphasia can take away the ability to communicate. Music therapy can help in this case by asking patients to make sounds or recite jingles. Singing can also help patients with dementia and memory impairments. Catchy tunes have a way to stick which can help with memory loss and brain damage.

4.Listening to music

Listening to music has several therapeutic benefits and is also considered a natural antidepressant as listening to music releases dopamine and serotonin that evokes feelings of contentment and pleasure.


Dancing to music is another technique that music therapists use to treat. Music helps us emotionally connect and those emotions can be expressed through movements. Dancing helps to improve mood, communication, and self-confidence. The act of moving to certain music can be a healthy coping technique for people with mood disorders.

Music does impact healing our mind and body health. Music therapy, like all therapies, has its limitations. While it may work on some, it may not be as effective for others.

Music has a significant impact on world cultures. Music therapy focuses on reflecting the patient’s culture and identity thus making this treatment a more unique experience.

“Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything.” – Plato

Music heals us from within and has the power to influence feelings and turn those frowns upside down.

What is your favorite music to sway? Let us know in the comments below.

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