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Akanksha Soni June 22nd, 2022 · 5min read

7 Psychological Benefits Of Traveling: Drive To Nowhere

It was just yesterday that I came back from a long road trip. And if you ask me, I can get up, sit in my car and drive miles away even today. Wondering why? Because I love this time when I don’t care about the world, forget all my worries and play the songs which completely calms me down. In fact, another writer with bipolar disorder joined me all through this time and her words were,

‘Traveling is therapeutic to my soul’

Our daily schedule, work hectic life and responsibilities are detrimental for our mental health. We feel that taking weekends offs with couch movie sessions can recharge us entirely but adding travel to this break could actually show better psychological benefits. Our personal and professional lives find a boost when the sight changes, wind turns and wheels roll.

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A road hit by mistake or even planned for miles provides a meditative experience. All you think about is road signs, turns, topography and views which let you simmer in a distinct manner. On top of these, let me share with you other psychological benefits of traveling and how it helped me and my friend to get away from clouded minds.

Mental Health Benefits Of Traveling

1. Gain A New Perspective

When we are busy in our own lives, we cannot see the world from a new perspective. However, as you leave your home and travel, you will find how life is different for a number of people and how the basic recipe for living is simply beautiful. There are a number of questions that pop in your head and those answers are potentially inspiring in your personal life.

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2. Cuts Down Stress Level

Imagine yourself sitting on a cliff and soaking in sundowner! I am sure you cannot feel stressed or worried about anything in the moment because this is your moment and your time. Similarly, there are a number of instances where you would find your brain getting a happy boost through serotonin release. It can also be understood that time away from work, family and friends gives you a refreshed approach and sense of independence.

3. Travel Enhances Human Interaction

Meeting people from different corners of the world and talking to them has a freshness on its own. Relationships with new people improves your mental health as you connect with their experiences and lifestyle, distinct to yours. You can find a number of amazing stories where couples, friends and families have been formed during travel and they inspire you to grow positively in life.

4. Travel Gives You Unexpected Challenges

Oh yes, another psychological benefit of traveling is facing challenges and resolving them. Getting stuck in heavy traffic, forgetting to take the right turn, delayed flights or waiting for someone for no reason may give stress for a certain period of time. But if you look closely, these are the challenges that help maintain your calm and cognitive health at the same time.

5. It Can Cut Down Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

Winters can bring a lot of people under the blanket of Seasonal Affective Disorder or SAD and they yearn for sunshine and mental happiness. If they travel towards tropical countries where enough sunshine is present, things could play great. It might be possible for someone to not to travel so far but changing the gloomy environment becomes a life savior.

6. Enhances Creativity & Confidence

It is a scientifically proven fact that as you deal with new experiences through travel and immerse into a variety of cultures, the brain’s neuroplasticity improves and creativity increases. At the same time, travel is not just about lying down on the sands but also finding ways to save your skin from tanning. It’s not about eating at a shack but finding your way back to the hotel amidst the crowd. Everything here simply enhances confidence!

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7. This Act Of Self Care Can Extend Your Life

Treating yourself with a vacation or a getaway is one of the best ways to show that you care for yourself. Moreover, a research paper in 2013 called ‘Destination Healthy Aging: The Physical, Cognitive And Social Benefits Of Travel’ reported that travel prevents disorders like dementia or Alzheimer’s disease. Another study claimed that women who took vacations every 6 years or less have higher risk of suffering from heart attack than women who go for a vacation twice a year.

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Travel More! Explore More!

Apart from the above psychological benefits of traveling, it is also understood that travel increases physical activity, enhances gratitude within a person, develops resilience and alleviates different forms of depression and stress. Travel acts as my personal therapy and I recommend it to everyone to find new ways for living your life.

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