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Self Care
Raj Soni June 13th, 2020 · 6min read

The Gentleman Way – Are You Missing Out on Basic Etiquette?

One needs to be gallant to be chivalrous! Gentlemen are strong supporters of a good manner and they arbitrate the concept and character traits of a gentleman. A gentleman inherits basic etiquette from his surroundings and chooses to be humble, honest, genuine, and adopt all good traits of a gentleman.

Unfortunately, such people are rare to find these days or a few of them are genuinely a gentleman while others put on a mask to grind one’s own axe. There are different basic etiquette for different types of tasks that are required to bring in perfection. Following these standard procedures makes you more professional and stand out of the box. This article is revealing the basic etiquette of a gentleman that is followed for generations.

Take Care of Basic Grooming:

Everyone tries their best to groom perfectly before exposing out in public. Ensure you do not miss a shower, shave, trimming visible nose hair, cutting finger and toenails, dressing up according to the event, applying proper deodorant or cologne to smell fresh, and the most important thing is to put a smile on your face to spread positivity. Also, ensure to carry essential accessories that look decent and not out of sync.

1. Practice Old School Manners

You may try new things but you should never forget old school practices as they were always trending and are still favorite to at least two out of three generations under one roof. You need to be extra cautious as it should come out naturally and not look like exaggerating. If you exhibit proper old school etiquette, you would have a lot of fan following.

2. Keeping Good Hygiene

Maintaining good hygiene was earlier a status symbol of the upper-class people as middle or lower class never used to groom themselves properly because of their trades and poverty. Later in the 1800s, upper-class people promoted good hygiene practices through books newspapers, and verbal notes. A well-groomed person is considered as a gentleman and always welcomed everywhere.  You never know, when, and who you run into.

3. Outshine the Art of First Impressions

We have been hearing this, ‘The First Impression is the Last Impression’. The person behind the inception of this thought is unclear however it was certain that you only get one chance to introduce yourself. In England, shaking hands while greeting was supposed to be the classy one. Now everything from shaking hands, your attire, way of talking, thinking, dealing with people, giving respect to others, and personality traits of a gentleman are judged on every step you take.

4. Being There on Time

Being fashionably late is a trend nowadays however it was one of the flat-out rude behavior in the good old days. Being 15-20 minutes late on a dinner invite is considered a status symbol or being 30-45 minutes late on an inauguration or hosting program is a style icon but for a gentleman, it is considered to be rude behavior. Had it been in the times of kings and queens, it would have been the last invite.

5. Open Doors for The Lady

The origin of this trend again came from the transition period between medieval and modern times when high society ladies used to wear large skirts, corsets, or huge gown. With such a tight outfit, it was difficult for ladies to open the door and keep it open until they cross it with their gown. High-class men started following this culture and today it is one of the most basic traits of a gentleman. From opening doors of the car to open the entry doors of restaurants is a trend in common. Today people follow this for admiration and caring chauvinism without thinking of the gender.

6. Pull Out a Chair for Her

This custom got into fashion because of the same reasons that it was hard for women to handle the outfit and the chair simultaneously. Opening doors, pulling out the chair, let her settle down first is a part of the necessary gesture for a woman. We normally do this to share the care feeling with our loving lady no matter if she is a mother, girlfriend, or daughter.

7. Unbutton Bottom Button of Suit

This may sound strange but this originated as a style standard in the 20th century when British emperor King Edward VII started doing it. The emperor had a healthy appetite and his bottom button of the suit couldn’t handle such a large meal. Soon it became the style icon of his court and the entire world started following the same. People today still follow the same trend and leave their bottom button of their suit unbuttoned out of courtesy or fashion.

8. Take off your Hat, Cap or Shades Indoor

Wearing Hat was a trend in the old days and gentleman class always used to carry a Hat and a Cane along with basic accessories like a scarf, bow, and a pocket watch. One thing that was trending as the traits of a gentleman was to put off your Hat and hang it on the Hat and the Coat rack once you are in there. The same trend is still a trait of a gentleman as to take off your cap, shades, or coat once you are settled down. Imagine someone eating pizza in a restaurant wearing dark black shades. Weirdo! Isn’t it?

9. Follow Basic Table etiquette

This basic etiquette has originated since the inception of medieval feasts. Long tables were set to fit in all the ladies and lords to have a fascinating meal with some sort of rules. Today if we follow even half of them, we can consider ourselves as a gentleman. We should understand what to put on the table and whatnot without invading our neighbor’s space. When to put your phone down and when to start or stop eating. How to make others feel valued on the table and how to maintain basic hygiene while eating or serving.

Summing Up

If you are going on a date or going to meet someone for the first time, following these character traits of a gentleman will make space in their heart and they will always consider you a man of true heart. These personality traits of a gentleman show the character and are more than enough to judge you as a person. These basic etiquette of a gentleman are what make a man a gentleman!

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