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Akanksha Soni March 14th, 2021 · 4min read

7 Ways To Cope With Narcissists During Holiday Season

Holidays are all about family gatherings, good food, cheer, music and getting in touch with relatives and friends. However, if you have a narcissistic personality in the family gathering who wishes to make everything about themselves, you just feel like leaving the place. Alas! This isn’t how the holidays were supposed to be. But being a bigger person here, you can always rely on ways to deal with a narcissistic person and enjoy the holiday season smoothly.

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Before actually finding the answer, question yourself:

  • Are you feeling anxious thinking about the family members visiting these holidays?
  • Are there any obligations when they visit you or you enjoy their company?
  • Do you feel that you will be disconnected from them rather than forming attachment to them?
  • Do you often think about how to avoid problems rather than planning to enjoy it?

Ok! If your answers have been positive, you should look for answers about how to cope with a narcissist.

7 Ways To Deal With Narcissists:

1. Find Out What Matters To You

Instead of focusing on what they do and how they are ruining your holidays, find out what is the best you can do to survive your emotional health. If you are around the person, try focusing on the celebrations or controlling your behavior for everyone’s best interest.

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You can even focus on final output through this holiday like growth of family, being positive and being expansive. Whenever you are upset, just find what you have learned and let the situation pass.

2. Do Not Overshare Anything

Narcissists have a peculiar habit of using your personal information to use against you. They can pick topics like finances, dating life, lifestyle or your feelings and turn against you. Let them take the conversation ahead and you spill your beans very judiciously. If it takes you to change the topic, go ahead and slip it smartly.

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3. Keep Realistic Expectations

It is okay to have contrasting feelings during a holiday season. But this does not mean that you put others in a state of complaints as soon as they show up. There may be boredom, frustration, sadness, anger or anything that you did not want but hey, this is how reality goes like. Relax, keep yourself in line with holiday vibes and celebrate the goodness.

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4. Better Being An Observer

Sometimes it is best to stay calm, observe and make mental notice of the whole environment. Keeping a smile on your face, find out how people are greeting or communicating with each other and how everything is being processed. Once you understand the behavior of everyone around you, your course of action takes place accordingly.

5. Be Gentle To Yourself

Holidays are directly related to self care, especially when you have a gaslighter or a narcissist in the family. It is your responsibility to divert your mind, put it into pleasurable activities like watching movies, listening to music, exercising, reading books and cooking your favorite dishes. With these activities, forgive yourself for anything that you feel was not right.

6. Don’t Lose Your Own Voice

Coping with narcissists could be tough and being around them during the holiday season may make you suffocated. If you are feeling that your voice has been subsided, ask yourself if this is how you want to be treated or do you actually want to be here at the moment. Figure out what are the best ways to treat yourself and act on them straight away.

7. Happy Holidays Matter

One thing is for sure, it’s your choice whether you want to be a part of a conversation or not. Narcissistic people cannot enjoy the fact that you are not giving them your undivided attention. Yet you know that you do not want to spoil your holidays.

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So, stay mindful of your actions and peace out with the holiday season. Accept that they will not be happy to see your gifts and holidays can make the relationship only worse, but going on like ‘you care but you don’t care’ can help maintain a balance.

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Happy Holidays!

Although holidays are a time to get refreshed and learning how to cope with a narcissist during the phase is tough. Keeping healthy boundaries between you and narcissists while maintaining a calm smile is another best way to pass through the holiday season. We hope that it helps!

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