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Stress and Anxiety
Kirti Bhati January 3rd, 2023 · 5min read

What Is Relocation Stress Syndrome? How To Cope…

Moving to a new place can be extremely exciting yet very stressful and exhausting. Whether you are shifting home or moving to a completely new city, there are a lot of things that you need to take care of.

It’s not easy to relocate yourself. You are moving to a new place unaware of what your neighborhood is like, you have chosen to move from a familiar environment to a completely unfamiliar one.

There are N number of thoughts that cross your mind. Will your children enjoy the new home as much as they do this one? How are your neighbors going to be? Will all your belongings reach safely?

Relocating from one place to another can be difficult on the emotional front as well. You will be leaving behind all those people you spent so much time with and the place you made so many memories in.

Today we are going to understand relocation stress syndrome better and how one can cope with relocation stress…

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What Is Relocation Stress Syndrome?

Relocation stress syndrome is a condition faced by individuals when they are going to move from one place to another. Relocation stress is more intense when you’re supposed to leave a home/place you’ve been living in for years.

People who frequently shift from one place to another somehow learn how to manage relocation stress over time. But it becomes very difficult for people who have stayed in one place for a long period of time.

Relocation stress syndrome is usually seen higher in older adults because moving out of the place where they have lived most of their life is difficult. Imagine you grew up in a place, met the love of your life there, built yourself a home, had kids there and now you have to leave that place. It feels as painful as it sounds.

No matter how excited you are about the new place and new home, there is always a part of your heart longing for the place you left behind. Moving from one place to another can give rise to intense feelings like fear, anxiety, stress, inhibition, etc. You are so overwhelmed by your mixed emotions that you’re almost unable to do anything.

Also read: What Is Emotional Coaching? Five Steps of Emotion Coaching

If you have been dealing with relocation stress syndrome or know someone who is, we have a solution for your problem. Let’s learn different ways to cope with relocation stress syndrome…

Tips To Cope With the Stress Of Relocation

I relocate every 2 years, initially, it was really stressful for me but after learning how to cope with relocation stress syndrome I am much more relaxed during the move. It saddens me to leave behind the people and the place I called home for 2 years.

Moreover, the stress of packing the whole house would really overwhelm me. However, there are a few things that helped me deal with the stress of relocation, let me share them with you;

  1. Focus on the brighter side: moving to a new place is difficult, so it’s better to focus on the bright side of the situation. You will be moving to a better home, you’ll get to meet new people and make new friends. You are moving towards a better life and you should enjoy it.
  2. Keep room for self-care: the packing phase can be really exhausting and your mind and body need to rest. Make sure that you keep some time aside for your self-care so that you can cope with the overwhelming feelings and emotions.
  3. Plan properly and be organized: the packing phase can be extremely stressful and confusing. You should always plan ahead of time and make lists. Be organized, set one target for the day, and only focus on that. Keep that packed stuff in an empty room and don’t forget to label them.
  4. Don’t try to perfect everything: you don’t have to be perfect while packing or moving. It’s okay if things aren’t packed in the most perfect way. All you need to take care of is that nothing gets damaged.
  5. Don’t shy away from asking for help: packing an entire house can be really exhausting. Ask your friends and family members to jump in and help you pack. This will make the packing phase entertaining and quick.
  6. Declutter: this can be a little difficult. Get rid of things that are of no use any longer. Donate clothes and machinery that you don’t plan to use. Replace old pieces with new ones, don’t be a hoarder, and let go of things that are of no use now.
  7. Take care of your existing relationships: once you are in your new home, don’t forget to work on the connections you made in the place you left behind. Try to maintain a good relationship with them and always make efforts to maintain the beautiful bonds you made.

That’s All Folks!

I hope you found this blog about relocation stress syndrome helpful, interesting, and informative. Do share this blog with your friends and family because relocation is a part of life and you never know who needs to read this.

Thanks for reading.

Take care and stay safe.

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