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Kirti Bhati December 7th, 2021 · 5min read

Does Therapy Feel Like An Office Meeting? Here’s What To Talk About In A Therapy Session!

Have you ever been stuck during one of your therapy sessions? Sometimes there is so much in your heart but when it’s time to spill that all out, you are out of words. And sometimes you just don’t know what to talk about in a therapy season.

How ironic is that? You go to therapy to get rid of the stress that you have because of various reasons, but therapy itself begins to give you stress. What to talk about in therapy is a common concern for many people.

It feels like you literally have to brainstorm before your therapy session is scheduled. It is a task to sit and talk to your therapist because nothing comes to mind. What should you talk about? What’s important and what’s not? It is such a perplexing feeling.

Also read: Must Read: Tips For Finding The Right Therapist

Here’s what you should keep in mind while taking a therapeutic session so that you always know what you should talk to your therapist about…

1. No thoughts are correct or incorrect

The first thing that ties your tongue is the confusion of what’s the right thing to say and what’s not. It’s important for you to understand that there’s nothing right or wrong to say in a therapy session. Basically, you can just simply blurt out whatever random thoughts that come to your mind.

2. Practice note-making

We are human and it’s natural to sometimes forget how we felt at a certain point. To avoid that it’s best to take notes of your feelings, emotions and thoughts. This way when you are sitting with your therapist you have your notes, you’ll know exactly what you need to talk about.

3. Focus on the present

If you can’t recall incidents, feelings and thoughts from the past, just focus on what is bothering you right now. At present what is it that is really affecting you? No matter how big or small it may be, talk about your current feelings and thoughts.

4. Talk about your recent past

Talk to your therapist about what all happened a day before or a week before your therapy session. Focus on every tiny detail. What did you do all week/day? How did your actions make you feel? Etc.

5. Talk about your relationships

Your relationship with other people can tell a lot about you. Focus on that! Talk about your relationships with your parents, boss or significant other. How do your relationships make you feel? Are you or the other being a toxic partner?

6. Bring up the past

According to a lot of practicing mental health professionals, usually the cause of your problem is always hidden in your past. Bring that trunk up, dust it and open  it up and let your therapist do the rest. Talk about your good and bad memories from the past.

7. Talk about what actually makes you speechless

It’s natural to fall short of words to express certain kinds of feelings sometimes. What you can do here is explain your feelings by relating it to some other common incident. For example you can say, “you know how it feels when your boss doesn’t register your efforts and always praises others? I feel exactly the same in my relationship with my father”

Also read: How To Find The Right Therapist for Your Teen

8. Talk about things that make you uncomfortable

Think about all the things you’d never tell anyone. Your secrets or things you might be ashamed of, pick out all those incidents and talk about them. Your therapist can actually help you find answers to things you’ve been looking for a long time now.

9. Talk about not knowing what to talk about in therapy

If you still can’t find anything to talk about, you can address this very issue. Tell your therapist that you don’t understand what it is that you’re supposed to talk about. Once your therapist helps you figure that out then you can move on to other things that bother you.

10. Revisit your decision

Oftentimes it is possible that the therapist you are going to does not suit you the best. Evaluate your decision about choosing your therapist. Is he/she right for you? Or should you consider looking for someone else?

Also read: 20 Signs For You To Know What Does A Good Therapist Look Like

Book Your Appointment Here


Keep these 10 things in mind whenever you feel like you don’t know what to talk about in a therapy session. Not being able to express freely to your therapist is also a problem that can be solved.

Therefore, if therapy is really important to you, talk about the issues related to the therapy itself. Tell your therapist that you don’t know what to talk about during a therapy session.

I hope this blog helps you open up to your therapist. If this helps you understand what you should talk about with your therapist, share it with your friends and family so that they can get the help they need too.

Thanks for reading!

Take care and stay safe.

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