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Swarnakshi Sharma May 19th, 2022 · 3min read

24-hour Law of Attraction : A Manifestation Game

The law of attraction states that what we think is what we attract. The law of attraction uses the power of our thoughts and manifest them into things/reality. The law of attraction influences our daily lives as; what we think becomes what we have.

“Thoughts become Things”; this is the basic rule of attraction and we – knowingly or unknowingly, use this daily.

Taking out a few minutes every day to use the law of attraction – by saying positive affirmation or creating visuals – can help you to construct the life you deserve. The 24-hour routine on how to attract positivity will help you be productive in your daily life.

6:00 AM – Visualize

What we think the first thing in the morning is what we create. When you wake up, take a few moments to visualize your day with positive thoughts. Imagine and visualize how you want your day to go.

7:00 AM – Focusing on your goals

We are more likely to focus on our to-do tasks if we write them down. Take a moment to write down your goals for the day and focus on them, even if they are little.

8:00 AM – Daily affirmations

It is important to say aloud your daily affirmations. Recite one or more positive affirmations to yourself. Remember, thoughts become things.

9:00 AM – Meditation

Closing your eyes and meditating for 5-10 minutes is a great way to attract positive energy and calm. Focus on deep breaths and relax your mind as you get ready to go out for the day.

10:00 AM – Spreading positivity

What we give is what we get. Spreading positive vibes will help bring positivity to you and your surroundings. Be positive and smile more.

11:00 AM – Vision board

Create a vision board with all the things you crave in life. Focus on that and work toward creating your imagination into reality. If you know what you want, you’ll more likely feel motivated to achieve that.

18:00 PM – Self-reflection

As you wind up your day, take a moment to reflect on your day. Talk with your family and friends about the things you did that day. Try to reflect on the positive things and thoughts more than the negative ones. If needed, repeat some of the positive affirmations to yourself.

21:00 PM – Meditation

Before going to bed, it is important to clear your thoughts and focus on relaxing. Find your inner peace and relax by listening to soft music before you drift off to sleep.

22:00 PM – Writing in a gratitude journal

Documenting your thoughts and feelings is a way to attract positivity. Remember the law of attraction works on our thoughts. Writing down your thanks to the universe helps bring out those good vibes and energies. you can use an online gratitude journal to pen down your thoughts.

“When given the choice, think about smiles rather than frowns, laughter rather than crying, health rather than sickness, gains rather than losses, and income rather than expenses”.

Dream. Believe. Manifest. Repeat.

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