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Stress Management
Aayushi Kapoor November 1st, 2021 · 4min read

4 Types of Stress in Psychology : How to Control Stress?

Therefore, we want to tell you that you are not alone. Calm sage encourages you to live a healthy mental and physical life.

Doctors suggest that 90% of the diseases are caused due to stress. Stress is the one and only reason for increased disorders and improper mental wellbeing.

From this, we have concluded that “stress” is the only thing that should be completely eliminated from life. To eliminate stress completely from our lives, we should understand the types of stress.

Therefore, through this blog, we have highlighted “The 4 Types of Stress in Psychology”. Let’s get started.

What is Stress?

As per Psychology, stress is the psychological perception of pressure and the body’s response to the perceptions.

When stress helps you to boost your performance, it is known as eustress. But when the stress changes I frustration, anxiety, and the feeling of overwhelm impacts our mental wellbeing and causes strain to the mind and body which leads to various issues in the brain and body.

This type of stress can be defined as “negative stress” or “chronic stress”.

Four Types of Stress in Psychology

As per psychologists, stress can be classified into four types:

1. Time stress

2. Anticipatory stress

3. Situational Stress

4. Encounter Stress

1. Time Stress

This type of stress is experienced when we tend to worry about time, things to do, lack of timing, or when we fail to achieve something. 

Tips for Managing Time Stress:

  • Learn good time management skills 
  • Make to-do lists 
  • Set your priorities 
  • Make better use of time
  • Balance important and urgent tasks 
  • Learn to create more time in a day 
  • Keep your focus intact

2. Anticipatory Stress

This type of stress is experienced when you are so much concerned about the future. For example, this stress can be associated with an upcoming task, presentation, or meeting in the office. 

Tips for Managing Anticipatory Stress

  • Take the help of positive visualization techniques 
  • Take the help of relaxation techniques like meditation 
  • Build your self-confidence
  • Overcome fear of failure 
  • Analyze all the possible outcomes 

3. Situational Stress

This type of stress is experienced when you are in a scary position or when you have no control over your thoughts. It could be an emergency situation a well. 

Tips for Managing Situational Stress

  • Learn self-awareness 
  • Learn effective conflict solving skills
  • Think optimistically 
  • Manage your emotions 

4. Encounter Stress

This type of stress is experienced when you encounter stress while interacting with people or a certain group of people. 

Tips for Managing Encounter Stress

  • Build emotional intelligence 
  • Practice deep breathing exercises
  • Learn empathy 
  • Build good relationships with people

How Stress Affects our Physical and Mental Wellbeing:

To under stress in a better way, we have classified all the stress and its impacts on a table. You may refer to the table to check the symptoms.

Headache Poor Connection Agitation  Oversleeping or no sleep at all
Fatigue Negative outlook Depression Social problems
Low sex drive Low at productivity Demotivation Sudden outbursts
Skin Rashes Confused Aimless Procrastination
 High Blood Pressure Burnout Insecure Frequent mishaps
Digestion Problems Bad Judgment level Anxious Substance abuse
Poor Immunity Constant Worrying Intolerant Fidgety

How to Control Stress?

Stress can’t be treated medically but can be controlled with a powerful mindset and positive thinking. Hence, below mentioned are the three best tips to control stress with hectic lifestyles.

1. Positive mindset

We have always been taught to look at the positive side. Therefore, Calm Sage suggests you stop dwelling into the past or negative thinking. Maintain a positive mindset which will eventually lead you to a positive lifestyle. For bringing positivity into your life, you can read positive books or you can also try yoga or meditation.

2. Mindfulness

Mindfulness means staying the present and living a healthy life with a non-judgmental thinking mindset. Mindfulness results in better decision-making, awareness and concentration level. To bring mindfulness in your life, you can read mindfulness books or you can try meditation. Mindfulness leads you to a positive and better life.

3. Assertiveness

When we say assertiveness, it means to learn to say “no”. Sometimes, it happens that due to pressure and relationship, we say yes to the steps or the things which we really do not wish to do.

Therefore, do not rush yourself into such situations and sit back, relax and take a deep breath. Learning to say no is very difficult, but we bet once you learn it, you will lead in a positive way.


We hope you like this article. For much such informational and motivational content, do not forget to follow Calm Sage on all social media platforms.

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