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Aayushi Kapoor September 30th, 2022 · 5min read

Understanding Chromophobia (Fear Of Colors)

Can someone have a fear of colors? Well, yes people can also have fear of specific colors. Fear of colors is referred to as chromophobia or chromatophobia. Generally, people have an extreme fear of one or two colors in specific which revolves around the fear of bright colors or dark colors.

But some people can also have a phobia of all colors (rare case), most people are sensitive to bright colors. In this blog, we will be discussing chromophobia, phobias related to specific colors, symptoms, causes, treatment, and more.

Understanding Chromophobia

Chromophobia is a specific phobia disorder that is triggered when a person is exposed to the object or source of the color they are afraid of. The best part is that chromophobia is treatable and symptoms can be managed with the right approach. It can make people experience extreme anxiety or discomfort.

They also might start having sweat, quiver, difficulty breathing, or more like panic attacks. Therefore, people with chromophobia avoid visiting places with specific colors or stopping interacting with people. This factor negatively impacts their quality of life. Not only this, but it impacts professional and personal life too.

Fact Check: Chromophobia is a common phobia but it is still likely to be not recognized because people are likely to keep this specific fear of colors to themselves. Therefore, it is difficult to get the exact numbers but a study shows that 1 in 5 American teenagers and 1 in 10 American adults deal with a specific phobia at some point throughout their lives.

Phobia of Specific Colors

According to psychology, chromophobia can be of only one or two colors in specific. There are different names given to phobia of specific colors in psychology. Therefore, you can use the below box for informational purposes.

PS: Feel free to take a screenshot of the information given below and share it with your friends or family members to raise awareness.

Phobia Color
Chrysophobia Fear of orange or gold color
Cyanophobia Fear of blue color
Kastanophobia Fear of brown color
Leukophobia Leukophobia
Prasinophobia Fear of green color
Rhodophobia Fear of pink color
Melanophobia Fear of black color
Xanthophobia Fear of yellow color

Causes and Risk Factors of Chromophobia

Psychologists are still researching the exact causes of chromophobia. But, psychologists stated that like other phobias, it can probably be caused or developed by the combination of environmental factors and genetics. People who experience mental health issues like anxiety, mood disorders, or panic disorder are likely to develop a phobia.

Chromophobia can also be developed while struggling with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). There are high chances of developing specific color phobia after experiencing a traumatic event related to a specific color.

Moreover, autistic people also have loathing related to specific colors. Research says that it might not actually be the presence of chromophobia, but their symptoms are kind of similar to chromophobia. Autistic people certainly avoid or dislike some specific colors.

Some of the below factors put a person at a higher risk of developing chromophobia:

Symptoms of Chromophobia

Chromophobia can be highly observed in children and adults. Symptoms can range from a certain level of discomfort to complete panic attacks. Below are some of the common symptoms of chromophobia:

  • Chills
  • Dizziness
  • Excessive sweating
  • Nausea
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Shaking or trembling
  • Upset stomach
  • Sudden panicking

Learning to manage or treat chromophobia is very important because it impacts the quality of life. Therefore, if you or your loved one feels that they might have chromophobia or phobia of specific color; consider connecting to a mental health professional.

Book Your Appointment Here

Treatment of Chromophobia

Below is some therapy options for treating chromophobia and managing symptoms:

1. Exposure Therapy

Exposure therapy is one of the most commonly used treatment method used for treating phobias. It is the first-line approach wherein the person is gradually and progressively exposed to the source of fear. This helps in processing your triggers and moving slowly towards facing the fear.

2. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

CBT is one of the best and most commonly used therapy options for treating various mental health issues like anxiety, chronic stress, depression, and more. CBT is best because it challenges negative thoughts and helps in converting them to positive or helpful thoughts.

3. Psychotherapy

Psychotherapy or talk therapy helps clients talk about their fears openly without any judgment. It helps in finding strategies that help the client overcome the phobia.

4. Hypnotherapy

Hypnotherapy is a guided relaxation therapy wherein a client is bought to a hypnotic stage. It helps the client openly think and talk about their fears in a different manner.

I hope this blog helps you understand everything you need to know about Chromophobia. Comment down and share your views on the same. For more such content, connect with us on all social media platforms.

Thanks for reading!

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