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Mental Disorders
Swarnakshi Sharma November 7th, 2022 · 6min read

Can You Be A Rageaholic? The Symptoms, Causes, And More

It’s common to feel anger and rage as an emotion, but we are consciously aware of when to express our rage and when to quiet it down. Haven’t you always wondered why some of your peers seem to experience a rage outburst suddenly? Many reasons could support this, but there’s a word for it too – Rageaholic.

Word of the day, isn’t it? Well, when I came across this term, I definitely thought it was a fake condition but the more I read about it, the more my understanding cleared.

I’ve always wondered why some people are more prone to unprovoked anger outbursts than many, and now I might have an answer and so do you!

Controlling anger might be challenging for you and me, but some people just can’t seem to control their emotions, no matter how hard they try. In this blog, let’s discover who’s a rageaholic, the symptoms, causes, and how to deal with a rageaholic.

Who’s A Rageaholic?


While Rageaholic might not be an official diagnosis in the DSM-5, it can be as real as any other anger issue. This condition makes you experience uncontrollable and unprovoked episodes of anger and rage, and those episodes can be as distressing as any other disorder.

Rageaholic is a real term even if it sounds silly, yet it is an informal term to describe people who can’t control their rage, anger, or temperament. More often than not, a rageaholic will show signs of sudden rage and a level of anger that might be excessive considering the circumstances.

Signs Of A Rageaholic

Since it’s not an official diagnosis, the symptoms and signs of a rageaholic might vary from person to person. Some of the common signs might include;

Physical signs:

  • Headache
  • Stomachache
  • Grinding teeth
  • Clenching jaw
  • Dizziness
  • Trembling or shaking
  • Flushed body
  • Sweating
  • Rapid heart rate

Emotional Signs:

  • Irritability
  • Anxiety
  • Restlessness
  • Resentment
  • Sadness
  • Depression
  • Frustration
  • Disgust
  • Disbelief

Behavioral Signs:

  • Screaming
  • Yelling
  • Crying
  • Violence
  • Elevated speech
  • Irritability
  • Pacing
  • Fidgeting
  • Sarcasm
  • Impulsivity

Mental Signs:

  • Negative self-talk
  • Violent thoughts
  • Self-harm thoughts
  • Ruminating thoughts (Mostly about revenge)

You can also find a rageaholic expressing their anger in ways such as;

  • Angry outbursts
  • Excessive anger
  • Overreacting with anger
  • Quickly resorting to physical reaction

What Causes “Rageaholic” Behaviors?

Many reasons can be behind this kind of “rageaholic” behavior. Some of the common causes of rageaholic behavior might include;

  • Genetics
  • Past trauma
  • Poor coping skills
  • Overwhelming situations
  • Having a parent with anger issues
  • Upbringing in an environment where rage was an accepted response
  • Substance Use disorder and
  • Other mental health conditions

Some mental health disorders that can be linked with Rageaholic behaviors can include;

Can This Behavior Be Treated?

If you’re a rageaholic or show signs of a rageaholic, then don’t fret. This condition can be cured. While you might not need a formal diagnosis, talking to an anger management specialist or a therapist can help you understand why anger has become an issue or a part of your daily life.

A therapist then might suggest treatments such as;

Note: Please remember to not take any OTC medications without the prescription or consultation of a professional physician. Some medications might have unnecessary side effects and might worsen your anger issues.

How To Deal With A Rageaholic?

If you have a loved one in your life who might be a rageaholic or shows signs of a rageaholic, there here are some tips to help you help them;

1. Ensure Your Safety

The first thing to do is make sure you’re safe before approaching them. Not everyone can have a safe way to express anger and if your loved one is prone to physical violent reactions, then safety should be a priority. Make sure you keep a distance if they are having an outburst, interact with them in a public space, and let others know about whom you’re with to ensure your safety.

2. Focus On Your Communication

Anger often makes us jump to wrong conclusions and make us second guess things. You can help your loved one by focusing on your communication. Try to see what lies behind their anger and help them express it safely and calmly. There can be so much more behind their anger.

3. Avoid Points That Frustrate Them More

If your loved one is a rageaholic, then it could be an underlying mental health condition. Don’t lose sight of that. During a conversation, make sure you avoid any points that might fuel their rage more. If they feel frustrated with the sight of unwashed dishes, then make sure the sink is clean or organized.

4. Timing Is Everything

If you want to discuss something important with your rageaholic loved one, then timing should be kept in mind. Avoid breaching the topic when they are tired, exhausted, had gone through something mentally challenging, or are already simmering with anger.

5. Support Them

If you feel like your rageaholic loved one is frustrated more than usual, then support them by asking how you can help them. Sometimes, when someone offers their help can make all the difference to someone’s mood. However, make sure boundaries are well established here, and you’re taking care of yourself as well.

6. Suggest Therapy

To seek therapy doesn’t mean you’re weak; let your loved one understand this. Encourage therapy but don’t push it. Therapy, in any case, can help you learn more about how to cope with rage in distressing situations and how to remain calm under an anger attack.

What Next?

Anger, just like any other emotion, is valid and real, but when you struggle with controlling your anger, then it could be a problem. Controlled anger is OK, but uncontrolled anger can harm you and your loved ones. So, if you’re dealing with anything more than just a survival or defense mechanism, then it could be rageaholic behaviors.

Luckily, rageaholic behaviors can be treated with the right help and support. If you or your loved one is living with an underlying mental health condition, then it would be best to reach out to a professional for more information on rage issues.

I hope this blog helped you understand who’s a rageaholic. For more, you can write to us at or DM us on social media.

You can also share your thoughts with us in the comments below.

Take Care!

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