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Akanksha Soni September 21st, 2022 · 5min read

How to Be a Good Public Speaker As An Introvert

Introverts can become amazing public speakers for many reasons like focused attitude, smart preparation strategy and ability to attend to their own emotions closely. Their inner world is strongly rewarding to them and it has been observed that their willingness to speak in public can make them a phenomenal orators.

Public speaking for introverts may make them a little nervous and even create anxiety within but honestly, when you know that popular people like Barack Obama, Winston Churchill and Abraham Lincoln were also introverts, a sense of relief may be felt. Right?

Believe it or not, introverts speaking in public is an asset for the listeners. Now that you know that these inward-looking people have the capacity to changethe  thoughts of the public, here are some public speaking tips for introverts.

Reasons Why Introverts Are Considered As Good Speakers?

1. Introverts unlike many other speakers prepare themselves in advance with a rock-solid speech. They put a lot of positive effort to refine their content when spending time alone.

2. Their main focus is delivering the right message to the audience rather than creating any drama or unnecessary presentation. For example, hearing Barack Obama from the stage can make you realize that precise and crisp content is the king.

3. Although they are focused on their own thoughts, this is what makes them aware of the feelings of others too. They are aware of what their audience needs and deliver the content as required. Although you will find them consuming some time to prepare, their speeches afterward are intriguing.

6 Ways To Master Public Speaking For Introverts

1. Choose A Topic You Are Comfortable With

If choosing a topic is in your hands or if the circumstances allow, you are going to speak in public with great confidence and in-depth knowledge.

In fact, if you have spoken about a certain topic amidst your friends or a closed social circle before, it is natural to perform better. Don’t feel overwhelmed or ride an adventure trail, keep calm and you will do amazing things.

2. Strong Preparation

Although public speaking for introverted people means a lot of preparation, you may want to add some more information in your basket. Make all the bullet points you want to deliver, expand it one by one with strong research, revise it with logical explanations and rehearse it.

Ask your friend or your family member to help you with rehearsals and guide you with speech as well as body language. Public speaking for introverts or extroverts should have one thing in common; ability to keep the audience engaged. Better be prepared.

3. Limit Socializing Until Speech Is Delivered

When you interact with a lot of people, a fear tends to erupt within thinking about what people will think about my speech and anxiety makes its way from here.

Save this crucial time for yourself and shake all your worries away. You can definitely speak to your close friends and family members who always keep you in your comfort zone. Once the speech is done, socializing can pick up once again.

4. Find A Role Model Or Watch Inspirational Videos

Have you tried noticing other introverts and their public speaking attitude? Well, try it out or even find your role model. Understand what he or she is going through while speaking on the stage, in front of thousands.

In fact, you can even watch TED talks for additional inspiration, especially the one we have shared right above.

5. Calm Your Body First, Calm Your Mind Next

Although public speaking for introverts is a little tricky when the brain keeps buzzing you with a lot of thoughts, mostly fearful. But it is necessary to keep your personality in check.

So shake up your body from top to bottom, stretch your arms, tilt your head and bring some energy within. When your body is completely conscious, take a deep breath and tell yourself ‘It’s showtime’.

6. Spread Smile

Even if you do not have humorous elements in your speech, your smile is enough to spread positive vibes in the environment. Speaking is definitely an art but spreading a smile is always a cherry on top of your presentation.

Make sure you practice on the same aspect beforehand by either looking yourself in the mirror or asking a friend to guide you through.

Even after you have gone through public speaking tips for introverts, we are sure that there is still some anxiety running in your head.

We would like to recommend you practice meditation in order to restore the positivity within, develop confident body language and give a boom of positive self-affirmations.

In the end, we would say “Quiet is might. Solitude is strength. Introversion is power.” So, keep your spirits high and smile a little more inside.

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