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Mental Disorders
Kirti Bhati April 4th, 2023 · 5min read

What Is OCD Guilt? How To Get Over it?

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is an anxiety disorder classified by disturbing obsessive and intrusive thoughts and compulsive behavior to subside anxiety. According to the latest statistics, OCD affects almost 2.5 million Americans.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder can cause guilt and shame in an individual. I say so because most OCD-affected people know how their obsessive thoughts are controlling them. OCD guilt is the guilt you feel because of the intrusive thoughts this condition brings to your mind.

Not all people with OCD experience OCD guilt. However, a large number of sufferers claim that OCD guilt and shame keep coming and going. In this blog, we are going to understand what OCD guilt is and how to get over OCD guilt.

Let’s Get Started…

What Is OCD Guilt?

What’s the basic concept of guilt? One feels guilty when they know they have done something that is against their value system or is not accepted by society. OCD guilt is very much similar. People with obsessive-compulsive disorder experience all sorts of inappropriate intrusive thoughts.

These intrusive thoughts have the potential to make you feel OCD shame and guilt. Problematic obsessive thoughts do not align with your value system and that’s what causes OCD guilt. You blame yourself for having such ungodly thoughts even when it’s not your fault.

Many people with obsessive-compulsive disorder claim to have experienced extreme guilt. Irrespective of whether you give in to your problematic obsessive thoughts and indulge in compulsive behavior or not, OCD guilt lurks around for many people.

OCD guilt isn’t happiness just for the sake of it. In most cases, OCD guilt and shame is triggered by some aggressive intrusive thoughts. It is very important to manage OCD guilt because if left unattended it will only make your condition even worse.

OCD Guilt Over Past Thoughts: What Type Of Thoughts Trigger OCD Guilt?

OCD guilt and shame are often a result of some triggering or problematic intrusive thoughts. Not all people with obsessive-compulsive disorder experience OCD guilt but those who do experience it know the pain.

Imagine feeling extreme guilt and shame for the thoughts that you aren’t even generating by choice. These obsessions are not in your control but the consequence is being faced by you. It’s like being punished for mistakes you haven’t even committed.

Let’s have a look at obsessive thoughts that can trigger OCD guilt;

  • Thoughts of doing something wrong: intrusive thoughts that are against your value system or societal norms can make you experience OCD guilt and shame. Your thoughts compel you to do things that are wrong or things you shouldn’t be doing. For example, ignoring your crying child or an old helpless person, etc.
  • Thoughts of causing an accident or disaster: any kind of thoughts that if acted upon can lead to an accident or disaster can lead to OCD guilt and make your life even more miserable. For example, thoughts of pushing a person riding a bike or leaving the gas on unattended, etc.

Other than these, some other random thoughts lead to OCD guilt, such as;

  • Unacceptable or violent sexual thoughts,
  • Sacrilegious thoughts about God,
  • Suicidal thoughts,
  • Thoughts of infidelity,
  • Thoughts of extreme harm, etc.

How To Get Over OCD Guilt?

Even though guilt and shame are normal emotions experienced by all, it has the potential to destroy someone’s mental peace. People with OCD can’t control their thoughts as easily as other people can.

They do not want to have all those troublesome intrusive thoughts and the guilt they bring with them. The first thing you need to focus on is getting your obsessive-compulsive disorder treated. Therapies like cognitive behavioral therapy and clinical drugs to manage anxiety can help you get over comorbid conditions like OCD guilt.

However, along with your ongoing psychological treatment for OCD, you can do a few things on your own to get over OCD guilt. Let’s have a look at them:

  • Talk to someonewho knows and understands your condition. They can help you see things from a different perspective and help you manage OCD guilt.
  • Challenge your thoughts.You know you aren’t going to put your thoughts into action. Therefore, feeling guilty for things your brain is making you think is not right. Challenge your thoughts so that they don’t make you feel overwhelmed
  • Learn to live in the present moment. Your thoughts can take you to many places, making you do all sorts of things but you need to put an end to it. Try to live in the present moment and only think about things that are happening right now.
  • Focus on self-compassion.You need to learn to love, appreciate, value, and forgive yourself. Self-compassion is one way you can reduce OCD guilt because you can accept and forgive yourself.

That’s All Folks!

I hope you found this blog about OCD guilt and shame helpful, interesting, and thought-provoking. Do share this blog with your friends and family because most people with OCD suffer from OCD guilt and do not know how to get rid of OCD guilt.

Thanks for reading.

Take care and stay safe.

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