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Mental Disorders
Kirti Bhati September 19th, 2023 · 5min read

Exploring The Different Types Of Mood Disorders

A mood disorder is a mental health condition that has a huge impact on the emotional state of an individual. Mood disorders affect the way you feel which then has a suitable impact on the way you think and act.

There is not just one type of mood disorder, there are various types of mood disorders that we will be discussing in this blog. Different people experience different emotional turmoil and all these different emotional challenges fit into different types of mood disorders.

To cope well with a mood disorder you first need to know what type of mood disorder you’re dealing with. How many types of mood disorders are there? Without further ado, let’s find out…

List Of Different Types Of Mood Disorders

Like I said before, there are various types of mood disorders but there are two main types of mood disorders – Depression & Bipolar disorder. These two have their subtypes as well as there are mood disorders which are caused by external factors like medicines or substance abuse.

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The following are the main types of mood disorders

1.Major Depressive Disorder (MDD):

MDD is one of the most commonly diagnosed mood disorders. It is also known as major depression or clinical depression. The main features of major depressive disorder are feelings of loneliness and emptiness. Lack of interest in doing things you once enjoyed, lack of energy, and feelings of extreme sadness.

2.Bipolar Disorder I

Bipolar I is similar to depression but it’s not just depression. It is also known as manic depression. Bipolar disorder is a condition which has both a sad phase and an elated phase. Bipolar I can be characterized by feelings of extreme euphoria and risk-taking behavior. When you experience a manic episode, you tend to do things without thinking about the consequence it may have on you or people related to you.

3.Bipolar Disorder II

Bipolar II is slightly mild in comparison to Bipolar I when it comes to the severity of the symptoms. Bipolar II is more inclined to the depressive side of bipolar disorder. The chances of manic episodes are far less than the chances of a depressive episode. To be diagnosed with Bipolar II you need to have experienced at least one depressive episode in the past.

4.Cyclothymic disorder

Cyclothymic disorder is an amalgamation of both Bipolar I and Bipolar II but in cyclothymic disorder, they don’t experience all and exact symptoms of both conditions. They just experience symptoms that resemble both Bipolar I & II. For a cyclothymic disorder diagnosed one has to have experienced more than two episodes of each in a cyclic & repetitive manner.

Also read: Bipolar v/s Depression: How To Tell Them Apart?

Other Types Of Mood Disorders

5.Depressive disorder due to another medical condition

In this type of mood disorder, the source of your disorder is different. In usual depression, the source is emotionally rooted but in this case one experiences all the symptoms of depression but it has been caused by a physical condition. The driving force behind your depression is a medical condition.

6.Bipolar and related disorder due to another medical condition

There are various physical health conditions that can cause mood disturbances which can have a similar effect as a psychological condition. This type of mood disorder is diagnosed only when it is proven that the symptoms of bipolar disorder do not have a psychological cause but have a physiological cause (physical illness).

7.Substance/medication-induced bipolar disorder/depression

Just like the above two types of mood disorder, Substance/medication-induced bipolar disorder/depression also differs in the origin of the symptoms and what is causing them. In this case, the symptoms of bipolar disorder or depression are the results of either some substance that is introduced to your body or a side effect of some medication.

8.Other specified or unspecified bipolar/depression

This type of mood disorder is diagnosed when an individual does not fall into the diagnostic criteria of either bipolar disorder or depression but experience varied symptoms of either bipolar disorder or depression. So basically, there are symptoms which do not fall into the expected criteria.

Newly Found Types Of Mood Disorder

9.Disruptive mood dysregulation disorder

This type of mood disorder has been recently added to the diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders. It usually occurs in children from 6 years of age to 18 years of age. It can be characterized by an irritable mood and anger tantrum without any provocations.

10.Persistent depressive disorder

This type of mood disorder is diagnosed for those people who have been experiencing depression for more than two years and continue to feel the same. It’s when major depressive disorder continues for a really long period of time without any intervals of relief.

11.Premenstrual dysphoric disorder

This type of mood disorder is cyclic in nature as it is synched with the menstrual cycle of a woman. It occurs few days before the menstrual cycle begins and consists of severe to mild mood swings, feelings of depression, hopelessness, anxiety, etc. The symptoms fade off when the menstrual cycle is over and reoccur days before the cycle begins.

That’s All Folks!

These are all the different types of mood disorders that can affect a person’s mood and emotions. I hope you found this blog about different types of mood disorders helpful, interesting and informative. Do share this blog with your friends and family so that we all know what type of mood disorder we might be dealing with.

Thanks for reading.

Take care and stay safe

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