12 Signs You Are An Ambivert: Ambivert Personality Test

Being an ambivert can be very confusing at times. The funny thing is most people do not even know that they might be an ambivert or an omnivert. Do you want others to know about the signs of being an ambivert?
Knowing your personality type is a good thing because that will make it easy for you to understand your reactions and feelings. Let’s first look at what ambiverts and omniverts are…
Who Is An Ambivert?
Ambiverts is a personality type where you are neither introvert or an extrovert. You don’t fall into any of the categories. It’s almost like you are a neutral being. Doesn’t it sound perfect? I mean there is not too much of anything.
Perhaps you might have struck a balance between extroversion and introversion. You have the best of both worlds. Ambiverts are those people who neither are too within themselves nor are too out loud.
Also read: An Introvert’s Guide To Managing Stress
Still doubtful about who ambiverts are? Let’s look at the what an ambivert me look like:
12 Signs You Are An Ambivert
1. You are comfortable either way:
it is easier for you to work in a team or alone. You don’t mind either of them. You’re comfortable in being quiet and working alone and you alway enjoy having a group to work with.
2. Socialising is fun but can’t take too much of it:
you like going out and being around people, you enjoy their company. The only catch here is you enjoy the social setting but only for some time. You get tired of being around people after some time.
3. You like attention but not too much:
you like being in the limelight but you don’t want it to be there for a long time. You enjoy attention but for a time being only. Getting attention for a long time is not your scene.
4. People are confused about what kind of person you are:
most people around you are always perplexed as to what kind of person you are. Some people say you are quiet and some say you are highly talkative.
5. You like me time but too much of it makes you feel bored:
you like your own company but always being with yourself is not what you want. You like only a little bit of ME time, not too much.
6. Small talks don’t irritate you but you don’t like it either:
you can have ‘just for the sake of it’ conversations and have some small talks here and there but it’s boring as hell to you.
7. You are a good listener as well as a good communicator:
that is the best part about being an ambivert. You have the patience to listen to someone and you also have the motivation to communicate with other people.
Also read: Alone Time v/s Loneliness: How To Spend Time With Yourself
8. You have the ability to control behavior
An ambivert personality is known to be an adjusting personality that can adjust or control one’s behaviors in a situation naturally.
9. You’re a natural empath
Ambiverts are good communicators and listeners, but they are also really good at understanding other people’s problems or issues. For example, they are really interested in listening to their friend’s issues and asking mindful questions in order to resolve or help them.
10. You’re able to maintain your personality
An ambivert is not typically an introvert or extrovert, but they know exactly how to maintain the right balance between their personalities. An ambivert is able to find the balance in all situations (be it introvertism or extrovertism).
11. Your unique personality shows different perceptions about you
In front of different sets of people, ambivert people might show introvert or extrovert personalities which often results in different perceptions. Some people might find you extremely sociable meanwhile some saw your introvert side which speaks the truth of the ambivert spectrum.
12. You are a creative person
Creativity runs in the blood of ambivert personality. During alone time, ambiverts like to engage in artistic or hobby-related activities which enhances their creative side more.
Benefits of Being an Ambivert Personality
Ambivert personality is not introverted or extroverted typically, but they know how to maintain the right balance of their personality which makes them more unique. They know how to adjust and compromise when it comes to their relationship or professional.
Here’s how Ambivert seeks benefits in different areas of life:
1. Personal life
In personal life, ambiverts are keen on understanding and shining through the positive aspects of life. Research shows that they can be both, the life of the party and listen carefully to one person to gain their trust and resolve their problems. This is why, ambiverts are really great at developing deep and emotional bonds with their loved ones. The extrovert side of ambiverts helps them achieve the interaction part meanwhile the introvert side of ambiverts helps them nurture deeper and meaningful bonds with people.
2. Professional life
Ambiverts are known to be good bosses, their management style is so apt that they can make shine through their extrovert and introvert sides. However, this depends on the people they are dealing with and the topic of their interest or context. They maintain different management styles which tells a lot about their personality.
A study from 2016 shows that ambiverts perform better in academics as compared to extroverts or introverts. Additionally, this study also stated that ambiverts know how to maintain the right balance between their extroverted and introverted qualities. For example, they know how to maintain focus on their studies and also play with friends.
A study conducted by the University of Pennsylvania coined the term “ambivert advantage” because ambiverts were more inclined toward customers’ needs and appealed confident as compared to people with highly extroverted and introverted personalities.
Who Are Omniverts And How Are They Different From Ambiverts?
Omniverts are also people who possess traits of both introverts and extroverts. You can have this kind of personality if you are outgoing as well as a cocoon person. Now the point is if both have the same differentiation what makes them different?
The difference is the intensity and extreme of the traits each ambiverts and omniverts process. The key difference between the two is that ambiverts have a little bit of both personality traits but not too much.
On the other hand omniverts possess the extreme ends of both introversion and extroversion. At one point they are out and about in the world and another time they can’t stand people around them. You can say omniverts are the evil twin of ambiverts because they have the worst of both worlds.
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Ambiverts and omniverts both are a combination of extroversion and introversion. The only difference is in the intensity of the traits. Ambiverts are neither introverts or extroverts and omniverts are both extroverts and introverts.
I hope you found this blog interesting. Do comment and let me know if you are an ambivert or an omnivore. Did all the signs of an ambivert point at you?
Thanks for reading.
Take care and stay safe.