All You Need To Know About Decidophobia (Fear Of Making Wrong Decisions)

Last Update on October 20, 2022 : Published on October 26, 2022
All you need to know about Decidophobia

There are certain times when we fear making big decisions because we need to evaluate, re-think, provide us time, weigh the pros and cons, think about goals, consider the possibilities, and whatnot.

When we experience fear while making big decisions (buying a house, choosing a job, or getting engaged), it is quite normal to feel anxious, stressed, or irritated. And, you know it is completely normal because such decisions are life-changing and need to have a proper evaluation. But have you ever heard of a fear of making wrong decisions?

Fear of making wrong decisions is known as decidophobia. Decidophobia is not about making big life decisions but it is the fear or phobia of making general or everyday decisions.

When someone struggles with making small decisions like what to wear, what to eat, or where to listen today might be at risk of developing decidophobia. In this blog, we will be exploring what is decidophobia, its symptoms, causes, treatment, and more.

What is Decidophobia?

Decidophobia is the fear of making wrong decisions. When decidophobia triggers in someone, it can result in intense or paralyzing fear about making general or everyday decisions.

Decidophobia was termed by a Philosopher at Harvard and Princeton Universities named Walter Kauffman. This term was introduced in his book published in 1973 named “Without Guilt and Justice: From Decidophobia to Autonomy.”

According to psychology, decidophobia is recognized as a specific phobia and it is mentioned under anxiety disorders. A specific phobia can be defined as an irrational or extreme fear of a specific situation or object which does not really include any kind of danger.

Symptoms of Decidophobia

Below mentioned are some of the common symptoms of decidophobia:

1. Anxiety or Panic: Someone who experiences decidophobia can experience extreme or severe anxiety or panic while making general decisions. Panicking or anxiety can also lead to symptoms like difficulty breathing, tremors, sweating, rapid heartbeat, stomach pain, and more.

2. External dependence: When someone goes through a situation wherein they have to let othersdecide for themselves instead of making decisions for themselves, they begin attracting a lot of authoritarian or manipulative personalities in themselves.

3. Exaggerated consequences: A person with decidophobia can also exaggerate the consequences of making small decisions for themselves.

4. Procrastination: Someone who has decidophobia can also start procrastinating due to making wrong choices for as long as possible. They start finding comfort in living with uncertainty and regretting their choices.

5. Strained relationships: People with decidophobia also start putting a strain on their relationships with their family members, loved ones, and more.

6. Undervalued instincts: People stop paying attention to their needs and start focusing on gathering information that can help them in making decisions.

Causes of Decidophobia

Below are some of the causes of decidophobia per psychology:

1. Genetic factors: Genetic factors play a major role in the development of decidophobia. Anxiety disorders are also passed on genetically.

2. Learned behavior: Phobias like decidophobia are developed through learned behaviors. It can also happen that someone has learned anxiety during childhood and it took a form of a phobia in adulthood.

4. Past experiences: Another major cause behind the development of decidophobia can be related to past experiences. It could be related to some past experiences that turned out to be bad and someone realized after messing it allup.

Diagnosis and Treatment of Decidophobia

If you think you or your loved one might have decidophobia, getting a proper diagnosis through a certified and experienced mental health professional is the first step. You can also connect with a mental health professional through online platforms:

Book Your Appointment Here

The diagnosis process of decidophobia includes the assessment of

  • Family history
  • Personal medical history
  • Symptoms
  • Feelings, thoughts, and behaviors

Based on the above-listed assessment, a mental health professional will be able to determine the specific phobia listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5).

The second step towards recovery is getting treatment. The assigned therapist will make your treatment plan. Below is the list of effective therapy types for treating decidophobia:

1. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): CBT helps in changing the negative thoughts and behaviors resulting in the phobia and helps in developing healthy and positive habits that counterthe specific phobia.

2. Exposure Therapy: Exposure therapy is one of the most commonly used therapy typesfor treating phobias. Exposure therapy is all about exposing the client to the source of phobia (without putting them in danger) and making them learn positive coping techniques.

Self-Help Coping Strategies for Decidophobia

Along with treatment, you can also try the below-mentioned self-help tips for overcoming decidophobia:

  • Believe in yourself and start making small decisions for yourself.
  • Try to examine past decisions so that you can learn from your mistakes and make better decisionsin the present.
  • Try calming techniques to relieve your anxiety.
  • Take a small pause and try to assess the whole situation mindfully.
  • Try writing down all the facts and make a decision.
  • Avoid burnout and take the help of people who support you.

I hope this blog helps you understand all you need to know about decidophobia. Comment down and share your views on the same. For more such content, connect with us on all social media platforms.

Thanks for reading!

About The Author

Aayushi Kapoor
Aayushi Kapoor

Aayushi is a Content Creator at Calm Sage. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Food Technology and a Master's Degree in Clinical Nutrition. Her constant interest in the improvement of mental health, nutrition, and overall wellness embarked upon her career as a “full-time educational writer.” She likes to make an asynchronous connection with her readers. Her mantra for living life is "What you seek is seeking you".

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