Transcendental Meditation: Your Complete Guide

Last Update on July 31, 2024 : Published on August 6, 2020
Transcendental Meditation

What to Know About Transcendental Meditation?

  • Transcendental Meditation (TM) is a meditation form found in India through ancient Vedic traditions.
  • TM explores the human mind and self-realization in depth.
  • TM is based on the concept of going beyond normal thinking and accessing a state of consciousness, sense of fulfillment, and inner harmony.
  • TM encourages the development of stillness and peace by integrating meditation practices into your regular life.

Are you looking for a new meditation technique that is backed with science or that will offer you an abundance of benefits?

If yes, then your search ends here!

This is your complete guide to transcendental meditation. A form of meditation that recently got super famous and has nearly 5 million practitioners benefiting from it. So, are you ready to join this troop?

No, need more motivation?

Well, many celebrities including Ellen DeGeneres, Jerry Seinfeld, to name a few have claimed that Transcendental Meditation has changed their lives.

If they can, why do we miss this amazing meditation technique?

Let the journey to explore Transcendental Meditation begin…

What is Transcendental Meditation?

Transcendental Meditation aka T.M. or T. Meditation was introduced to the world through Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. It is an effortless form of meditation that helps your mind settle down. It involves use of mantras but is not completely mantra-oriented. The mantras are used to create a state of restful awareness while the meditation takes you to a tranquil state.

What is Transcendental Meditation complete guide

If you ask me to define T.M. in one line for you I would put it this way,

Close your eyes and recite your mantra silently!

But, then there is more than T.M. has to offer.

What are Mantras in Transcendental Meditation?

The great teacher of Transcendental Meditation Maharishi Mahesh Yogi said,

“Mantra is a specific thought which suits us, a suitable sound for us which we receive from a trained teacher of Transcendental Meditation. By using this mantra, the practitioner experiences the thought of that sound and starts minimizing that thought to experience the finer states of that thought – until the source of thought is fathomed and the conscious mind reaches the transcendental area of being.”

To put it in simpler words mantras are positive sounds that will help you grow in your life.

Technique and Step-By-Step Guide for Practicing Transcendental Meditation

7 step process to Practice Transcendental Meditation

Before getting started with transcendental meditation, it’s important to have a personal mantra. The mantra works as a guide to settle in, go beyond, and escape the ordinary. This will help you gain more insights.

Pre-requisite for practicing transcendental meditation:

  • Use your personal mantra to allow your mind to achieve the purpose and experience the benefits of transcendental meditation effectively.
  • Use powerful mantras to connect deeply with levels of consciousness.
  • Set-up the right environment to experience the benefits of TM.
  • Ensure proper posture while practicing TM, proper setting and posture help achieve a deep state of inner silence and relaxation.

Here’s a comprehensive step-by-step guide to practicing transcendental meditation:

1. Sit in a comfortable position: The first step is to find a comfortable place to sit, preferably you must opt for a peaceful and quiet environment. While sitting comfortably, you can also take the support of a chair or cushion, just make sure your spine is straight and relaxed. Further, rest your hands in a comfortable position.

2. Close your eyes: The second step is to gently close your eyes and shift your focus on your body and mind.

3. Choose a mantra and repeat: Select your personal mantra or consult with a TM professional to get your personalized mantra. Begin by chanting a mantra in your mind, and allow the words mentioned in the mantra to become the central point. Avoid external distractions during this process.

4. Allow thoughts to come and go: It’s quite normal to have thoughts while practicing this meditation, therefore, don’t engage with them or suppress them, instead allow them to pass. Keep your focus intact on the mantra whenever you find yourself caught by the thoughts.

5. Promote state of consciousness: During this step, we will go beyond our experience and, therefore, slightly shift our focus to achieve a state of consciousness. The main objective behind the mantra is to skip the ordinary and promote levels of self-awareness. Herein, you will also achieve a state of clarity, calmness, and relaxation.

6. Practice regularly: In order to experience the benefits of transcendental meditation, practice it regularly for 20 minutes twice a day. Herein, you can set the time to maintain the duration and establish a routine.

7. Transit gradually: After completing your meditation regularly, transit slowly to daily activities. Focus more on promoting calmness, centeredness, and personal growth.

Example of Transcendental Meditation Mantras

Usually suggested by a TM teacher, some of the common mantras are:

  • Kirim
  • Aenma
  • Inga
  • Shiam
  • Aing
  • (Many others)

These Mantras are assigned based on your experience with the TM practice.

Disclaimer: OM or Hoomm is not considered as a transcendental mantra.

When you recite these Transcendental meditation mantras it is likely to sound like:

  • Kiiiirrrrrriiiiiimmmmmm… Kiiiirrrrrriiiiiimmmmmm…
  • .. Aaaaaaaenmaa…
  • .. Iiiiingaaaa
  • .. Shhhiaaammm…
  • Aiinnggg… Aiiiiiinnnggggg….

Remember: While the mantra will help you stay focused and aware, the magic doesn’t lie here. The magic for TM technique lies in the fact that it is an effortless practice. When you reach this ease point you will see the magic happening.

Benefits of Transcendental Meditation

transcendental meditation benefits

Below listed are some of the important benefits of transcendental meditation:

  1. Establishes calm: Transcendental meditation welcomes a sense of calmness and peace in the body and mind. The process of transcendental meditation lets go of negative thoughts and stress which in return establishes calm within.
  2. Reduces stress and anxiety: TM promotes deep relaxation which reduces stress and anxiety. Additionally, it also helps in developing a sense of rejuvenation which improves overall wellbeing.
  3. Improves immune system: The practices involved in the TM help escape the ordinary which in return improves the immune system, innate healthy and good habits, rejuvenates the sleep cycle, and a lot more.
  4. Makes you more resilient: TM practices and techniques also focus on posture and distracted setting which helps in making you more wise, efficient, and resilient. The more you practice, the more benefits you’re likely to experience.
  5. Innate better coping abilities: One of the most important benefits of transcendental meditation is that it makes us more resilient and improves our coping abilities. It establishes better decision-making skills as well.
  6. Helps regain inner peace: The techniques involved in the TM help you escape the ordinary and regain inner peace which can make you more resilient, energetic, and productive.
  7. Enhances focus and concentration: TM helps in enhancing focus and concentration. Additionally, it also increases the flow of creativity, improves memory, and establishes better problem-solving skills.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does Transcendental Meditation Cost?

The fee for learning TM practice varies widely across the globe. It costs around a hundred dollars for a typical 4-day course. An estimate proposed by its official website suggests it can cost around 1,000 USD for a complete course. It does offer scholarships, paying schedules, and group discounts!

Where can I get a teacher for my TM practice?

How frequently should you practice Transcendental Meditation?

It is recommended that you practice this meditation for 15-20 minutes in the morning and then in the evening. In the morning it is advised to practice it before breakfast.

A Full Video Guide on Transcendental Meditation:

So, are you trying transcendental meditation next?

If yes, do let us know in the comment section.

More power and peace to you…

About The Author

Anjali Singh
Anjali Singh

Anjali Singh is a content curator in the field of Mental Health. She is currently done Ph.D. in Psychology. Her aim is to light up the world with positive vibes through her words, her idea of life is ‘Grow through what you go through’. Apart from this, she is a big-time pet lover.


  1. Kerin

    This is so good. Thanks for this article.

  2. Meredith

    Yes, definitely going to try transcendental meditation. Keep writing such inspirational content. More power to you.

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