Hurry Less, Live More: 10 Ways to Beat Hurry Sickness & Boost Wellness

Life is a race, indeed. But it can feel a lot more than just a simple 100m race when you perpetually feel stuck in fast-forward. You feel like there’s a never-ending to-do list chasing you down, and hitting pause is never an option. While many mistake this behavior for productivity, it can be a sign of a modern affliction called, hurry sickness.
Think of this malady as the dark side of our ever-connected world. It’s the constant, nagging sense of urgency that keeps your foot on the gas pedal, even when there’s nowhere you have to rush to. It’s the feeling that time is running against you and slowing down is a luxury you can’t afford.
But here’s the punchline; Hurry sickness isn’t just a productivity buzzkill; it’s a pandemonium that wreaks havoc on your mental and physical health too.
Knowing how hurry sickness impacts our well-being can help us slow down a bit and enjoy life as it is.
What is Hurry Sickness?
Hurry sickness goes beyond the feeling of being rushed. It’s a chronic state of mind where you constantly feel behind, always chasing that elusive feeling of being “done”. It’s that nagging voice in your head that tells you there’s never going to be enough time on your hands, even when you’re relaxing. Even when you’re relaxing, it keeps whispering anxieties about the tasks left undone.
Think of hurry sickness as your mind where there are too many tabs open, and you can’t – for the life of you – figure out how to close all of them and shut the music down. Each task, each notification, and each email dings like an open tab, draining your mental battery and leaving you feeling frazzled.
When I talk about mental health, hurry sickness can be like a marathon you can’t win, because the finish line keeps moving further away.
Are You Living Fast Forward? | Symptoms To Know!
So, how do you know if you’ve fallen victim to the hurry sickness malady? Here are some telltale symptoms of hurry sickness to watch out for;
- You feel like you’re always racing against time, even for the smallest of tasks
- You juggle multiple tasks at once, believing that you’ll be more productive this way
- Your to-do list dictates your every move. You feel a constant pressure to check things off of the list
- Any delays or detours in your routine send you into a tailspin. You get frustrated and don’t have the tolerance for things that slow you down
- You go through the motions, barely present in the moment
Living with these symptoms of hurry sickness can rob you of the joy in simple living, leaving you feeling disconnected from yourself and the world around you.
The Impact of Hurry Sickness on Well-Being
If you think hurry sickness is just a case of being too busy, then think again. This constant state of hurrying can impact your mental, emotional, and physical health. The chronic stress of feeling perpetually behind can keep your body in a constant state of flight-or-fight mode. This can cause physical health issues such as headaches, stomachaches, and muscle tension.
When your mind can’t stop racing, sleep becomes a dream. This lack of quality sleep can weaken your immune system, making you more susceptible to illness. Long-term hurrying can also make you irritable and impatient, impacting your relationship with your loved ones. You might find yourself snapping at your friends, neglecting self-care, and becoming frustrated with your coworkers.
Feeling constantly overwhelmed can lead to burnout, a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion. It can zap your motivation and leave you feeling empty and disillusioned. The long-term effects of hurry sickness can become more serious as studies link this malady with increased risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, and even depression.
How to Practice The Art of Slow Living
So, how can you break free from the clutches of hurry sickness and embrace slow living? I have some incredible tips for you!
1. Declutter Your Schedule
Just like a cluttered mind can overwhelm you, a packed routine or schedule can leave you feeling suffocated. Take a look at your commitments and schedule, and ruthlessly take out anything that you don’t find essential or a priority. Saying “NO” is a powerful tool. Use it!
2. Take One Thing at a Time
Multitasking might sound interesting and productive, but it’s not. Our brains are naturally wired to take care of one task at a time. Dedicate focused attention to the activity you’re currently doing, whether it’s work, a conversation, or enjoying a meal. This will help you improve your productivity and make you appreciate the present moment more.
3. Begin With Intention
Start your day with intention. The first few moments of your day will set the tone for the rest of your day, so make sure you begin with intention. Instead of snoozing away, wake up a little earlier and create a morning routine – just for yourself. This could include meditation, gentle stretching, or simply having a cup of coffee or tea in silence.
4. Take Advantage of Your Lunch Break
Don’t eat your lunch at your workspace or when you’re answering emails. Step away for a few minutes and take your lunch in peace. You can find a quaint space outdoors, or simply close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Take advantage of your lunch break and refresh your mind and body for a more productive day.
5. Make Time For Mindfulness
Hurry sickness loves a scattered mind, so why give it more ammunition? You can counteract this by practicing mindfulness daily. You can try meditation apps, mindful walks in nature, or simply take a few minutes to focus on your breathing throughout the day. Mindfulness can also make you more appreciative of the little things around you.
6. Practice Digital Detox
It’s not easy to practice slow living when you live in a modern world. We’re constantly surrounded by technology and bombarded with notifications, emails, and social media. To avoid getting overwhelmed by it all, schedule a digital detox where you disconnect from your devices fully. This can give your mind some rest and allow you to reconnect with yourself and the world around you in real-time.
7. Savor Simple Pleasures
In our rush to do everything before time runs out, we often miss out on life’s simple pleasures and joys. Take some time, each day, to simply appreciate the little things, and feel grateful for what you have in your life. The warmth of the sun on your skin, the tweeting of the birds, or the taste of freshly baked bread. Just enjoy these things and savor them.
8. Let it be Imperfect
Hurry sickness feeds the fire of control and perfectionism. Learn to let go of the need to have everything perfect. We’re humans, not AI bots, and we’re modeled to make mistakes and be imperfect, so let it be. Nothing has to be perfect all the time. If you encounter some unexpected delays and minor setbacks, take them in stride. Accept them as a part of your life and move on.
9. Connect With Nature
Nature might be the most underrated healer of all. What you don’t realize is that nature has a magical way of slowing you down. Spend some time outdoors – go for that hike you’ve been putting off, sit by a lake, or walk around barefoot on the grass. Immerse yourself in nature and see how fast your stress goes down, and your mood goes up!
10. Celebrate Each Step
Often, we get so focused on achieving our goals that we forget to enjoy the process. When I say to celebrate the journey, I mean enjoying the process that brings you to where you’re meant to be. Appreciate the process, and the steps you take along the way. This simple shift in perspective can make the whole experience worthwhile.
Wrap Up…
In our modern, fast-paced world, practicing the art of slow living can feel far-reaching. I can go as far as saying that it almost feels rebellious. But, here’s the catch; slow living isn’t about falling behind, it’s about taking back control. You’re choosing to live a rich-in-experience life, embrace connection, and boost your well-being.
So, when the symptoms of hurry sickness bear down on you, take a pause, and find the beauty in a life lived slowly and savored mindfully.
I hope this article helps you understand the meaning of hurry sickness, its symptoms, and how you can ditch the rush and practice the art of slow living. Let us know your thoughts on the same in the comments below.
Take Care!