Digital Workplace Communication: How It Causes Stress

Achieving all our daily goals by the end of the workday has become challenging since we moved to work from home during the pandemic. No wonder burnout is becoming more and more familiar with emails, Zoom meetings, and conference calls coming even after work hours.
But what is it about digital workplace communication that is causing us stress and anxiety? In this blog, let’s look at the challenges we face from a digital perspective and how you can fix them!
But before we begin, let’s take a look at what workplace communication is. Workplace communication is when you exchange ideas – verbally or non-verbally within an organization. It can include e-mails, text messages, notes, calls, etc. An effective communication strategy within the workplace is critical to completing tasks and increasing employee productivity.
Now, let’s see what challenges digital communication can cause at work and how it can increase stress levels.
The Link Between Digital Communication & Stress At Work
The challenges with workplace digital communication are that we are “on” 24/7. Communication is constant thanks to the numerous digital platforms that help us connect with our colleagues and superiors internally.
Finding the right balance can be challenging. And while digital communication is designed to help get our work done, it’s creating more stress and anxiety in the workplace, especially for those who work in different time zones.
Another big challenge we face with workplace digital communication is that with our communication digitalized, we’ve forgotten to keep boundaries between our professional and personal lives. Trust me, you don’t have to be in the office for your boss to call an unexpected meeting.
The most stressful part is when that meeting happens, when you might cook dinner or spend much-needed time with your spouse.
The need to be “on” 24/7 can, after a time, drain your mental and emotional energy, leaving you feeling drained and burned out.
Digital communication at the workplace can create stress when you’re always connected to work, even on the weekends or on vacation. The pressure is always there to check and respond to work emails, even outside your work hours, isn’t it?
This kind of micro-stressor can dent your work-life balance. Additionally, the speed of digital communication can make you feel that each text you get must receive an instant response.
Did you know that choosing the right internal communication tool can also influence your well-being? Yes! With so many new apps designed for digital communication, it can become difficult to decide which is the right one for you and your team.
And let’s not forget about the anxiety we get when we see those three little dots pop up next to our boss’s name!
When this happens, our brain goes into overdrive and creates hundreds of negative scenarios. The pressure is always on when you’re online, and you must respond ASAP – even if you’re in the middle of something important (work or non-work related).
This urgency to respond to a message can stress many people out, and one of the challenges I’m sure we’ve all faced with workplace digital communication is interpreting the tone and the intent of the message sent.
When you’re at the office, you can just pop up by your boss’s desk and ask for clarification immediately but with digital communication, it can be hard to read others’ tone and intent clearly or even correctly.
This kind of communication can make you spend more time interpreting messages than focusing on your tasks. When this happens, stress increases as you may overthink the perceived interpretation of the message, spend more time editing your response, and worry that if you don’t respond on time, you’ll be judged by others.
This happens to me a lot! Combined with the constant messages, digital communications at the workplace may unknowingly become a source of stress.
With some challenges, digital communication brings with it some benefits as well. Digital communication at the workplace allows colleagues and partners to communicate faster and efficiently. With instant messaging, workers can receive an immediate response. Digital communication has also enhanced employee interaction by allowing them to share results immediately. This type of instant communication improves employee engagement and productivity.
Stress-Free Communication Strategies To Adopt At Work
Working remotely has been a blessing for many, but for others, it has caused their stress to increase. While digital communication tools at work have helped improve internal communication, they have also caused employee stress and anxiety.
Well, there is good news! There are ways you can stay on top of your game and reduce the stress of staying connected to your work.
Here are some ways you can protect yourself and your mental health at the workplace when digital communication starts to take a toll:
Set Boundaries
It all starts with setting clear and healthy boundaries in the workplace. Remember to leave work behind when you’re at home. When setting boundaries, you mustn’t forget the importance of a healthy work-life balance.
Take Some Down Time
Your time is yours alone. Ensure that your digital notifications are turned down during downtime and that work emails are on mute. Work will not go anywhere and never get done if you do not take time for yourself.
You Don’t Always Have To Be “On”
Remember that you don’t always have to be “on” 24/7; not all messages may require an immediate response. Structure your time and reserve a time during your day to respond to the messages (if not urgent).
Set Clear Intentions
Part of your self-care is to remember to say “no” when you don’t want to do something you’re uncomfortable with. For example, if a Zoom video call stresses you out, then you can say no to a video call. You need to set clear intentions regarding work boundaries and stick by them.
As employers, you can reduce the number of digital platforms you use for your internal communication. This can help decrease employees’ stress of checking multiple communication channels simultaneously.
Protecting Your Mental Health in the Age of Digital Workplace Communication
Does each call, message, or email from work stress you out, too? Well, let me tell you, you’re not alone. Workplace digital communication, while it can have many benefits, can also have many challenges that can cause your stress levels to increase and potentially lead to low productivity and burnout.
You can protect yourself from mental and emotional burnout at work by setting clear boundaries and breaking the habit of responding to all messages as you receive them. Employees and employers can also play a role in ensuring healthy digital communication at the workplace.
Your mental health is in your hands. If you’re constantly stressed by workplace communication – digital or otherwise, you can talk to your superior or consult a professional counselor for advice.
Take Care!