Do You Feel Too Deeply? Check Out What Being a Deep Feeler Means…

Last Update on April 7, 2023 : Published on April 8, 2023
Do You Feel Too Deeply

If you’ve ever been accused of crying at emotional movie scenes or listening to sad songs, then you’ll find some solace in knowing that you’re not alone. Did you know that there’s a term for a person who feels too much? They’re called deep feelers and while the term is self-explanatory, there is so much more we need to understand about deep feelers.

When I say, “deep feeler” I mean a person who has sensory processing sensitivity or in simple terms, someone who can be described as a highly sensitive person.

You get easily startled and violence on TV makes you squirm. These are some examples that you might relate to. Where others may take these experiences as a part of life and move on, you are someone who will experience them as if they were a part of you.

Keep reading to know more about deep feelers, why some people feel too much, and how you, as a deep feeler, can manage your intense emotions during times of emotional vulnerability.

Who Are Deep Feelers? Are You One?

Deep Feelers

As I mentioned before, a deep feeler is someone who has sensory processing sensitivity. SPS is a nervous system sensitivity that can increase processing depth, emotional reactivity, sensory sensitivity, and over-stimulation. Deep feelers are extremely responsive to external stimuli, social stimuli, and the moods of other people. They also have increased awareness, empathy, and sensory integration.

Here are some signs that you may find common between empaths and deep feelers;

  • Feeling the emotions of others as their own
  • Feeling overwhelmed by intimacy
  • Having higher intuition
  • Preferring solitude to crowded situations
  • Always caring
  • Feeling overwhelmed by sensory input
  • Disliking conflict and violence
  • Needing “me time” frequently

Some people like physical empaths might also experience mirror-touch synesthesia, a situation where they experience sensations if they see others being touched. People with MTS experience a higher level of emotional reactivity but lack cognitive empathy, a study from 2018 suggests.

Why Do People Feel Too Much?

why you feel emotions so deeply

The ability to feel emotions so deeply could be related to biological factors. Sensory processing sensitivity is a genetic trait and quite a helpful one as it allows one to see threats as well as opportunities. Deep feelers can pick on subtle things and because of their responsiveness, can make relationships stable.

If there’s anyone in the family that has a history of affective disorders or mood disorders, then it could put you at a higher chance of developing sensory processing sensitivity or becoming a deep feeler.

What Does it Mean to be a Deep Feeler?

Like any sensory condition, there are benefits and drawbacks to being a deep feeler. Here are some of the benefits and disadvantages of being a deep feeler you should know;

Benefits of being a deep feeler;

  • You have a vivid imagination
  • You have great self-awareness
  • You have an appreciation for sensory stimulation
  • You are aware of your surroundings
  • You have a creative bone
  • You are innovative
  • You have empathy and compassion
  • You have good intuition
  • You can create meaningful connections
  • You pay attention to detail
  • You can make peace

The drawbacks of being a deep feeler;

  • You are sensitive to noise
  • You have an increased need for sleep
  • You have a low tolerance for unpleasant emotions and stimulation
  • You struggle frequently with emotional fatigue
  • You’re hyper-analytical and an overthinker
  • You struggle with setting boundaries
  • You have an aversion to crowds
  • You can’t seem to relax
  • You have trouble adjusting to change
  • You struggle with hunger-induced mood swings
  • You overreact to social errors

Deep feelers are quite responsive to external stimuli, meaning they are at a higher risk of developing mental health conditions if they’re constantly surrounded by negative circumstances. On the contrary, deep feelers thrive and respond better to positive experiences. So, if you’re someone who has or struggles with depression or anxiety, there’s a chance you’ll be responsive to therapy and interventions.

Helpful Tips For Deep Feelers

Being a deep feeler means some things come easily to you such as understanding others’ moods and providing creative and smart solutions. However, this ability can also make you a target of emotional fatigue. Here are some tips that can help you deal with intense emotions;

  • Consider Self-Care

Lack of self-care can negatively affect your mindset and more so deep feelings. Sensitive people are more likely to struggle with mood swings and sleep deprivation. So, self-care is something you should consider. Try to eat a healthy diet, get regular exercise, sleep well, be consistent with your routine, and have fun!

  • Monitor Sensory Input

Whether it’s wearing noise-canceling headphones when you go out in a crowded and noisy environment or wearing sunglasses to protect your senses, try to monitor your sensory input. These little things that can make you feel comfortable can work wonders for your sensory sensitivity.

  • Learn To Unwind

It’s important to consider unwinding and relaxing as a part of your daily routine. Make sure you take some time off your schedule every day and recharge your batteries so that you’re always healthy and less emotionally fatigued.

  • Seek Professional Support

If you’re unable to curb anxiety and are susceptible to sensory over-stimulation, then maybe it’s time you seek professional support. A counselor can help give you comfort and tips to maintain your emotional state. There have been studies that show that deep feelers can find therapy helpful.

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Wrap Up

Being a deep feeler means you feel emotions too deeply and too intensely. There’s nothing wrong with being an emotionally intense person, but sometimes the sensory sensitivity can take a toll on your mental and emotional health. While there are benefits of being a deep feeler, there are downsides as well.

The tips I’ve mentioned above might help you learn how to better manage your emotions, especially during times of emotional vulnerability. If you need additional support and help, do not hesitate to reach out to professional counselors.

I hope you found this article helpful. For more, you can write to us at or DM us on social media. You can also share your thoughts and tips in the comments section below.

Take Care!

About The Author

Swarnakshi Sharma
Swarnakshi Sharma

Swarnakshi is a content writer at Calm sage, who believes in a healthier lifestyle for mind and body. A fighter and survivor of depression, she strives to reach and help spread awareness on ending the stigma surrounding mental health issues. A spiritual person at heart, she believes in destiny and the power of Self. She is an avid reader and writer and likes to spend her free time baking and learning about world cultures.

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