How To Stop Procrastination (& Get The Work Actually Done)

You have taken a big project in your hand but instead of working on it, you are checking on other things? The deadline would be nearing soon and despite that, you are spending your time watching television, series on Netflix and checking Instagram? Well, if it is happening with you then don’t worry, you are not procrastinating alone. Many of us go through the phases of procrastination while knowing that we must work or the results won’t be as expected but refrain.
Sometimes, we confuse procrastination with laziness but they both have different edges. In the case of procrastination, you are aware of the fact that you need to finish a task but still, you choose to work upon something else. While laziness is associated with unwillingness to do work or showing inactivity.
Procrastination is definitely not a good habit but it is not even something that you need to be ashamed of. It does cut your productivity down and hence it’s time to find how to stop procrastinating and get the work done in real.
How To Prevent Procrastination?
1. Find Out The Reason For Procrastination
There could be various reasons for why you procrastinate. Before hopping on how to not procrastinate, find the reasons behind. You find the task as boring or unpleasant? Is your organization to complete all the tasks poor? In case you have already organized tasks, it might be overwhelming for you to finish all of them by the deadline. Or it might be because you are afraid of failing or you are worried about the perfection way too much.
There might be any of the reasons mentioned above but you need to be focused towards your work in order to make it more enjoyable. You can even try making a To-Do list which could be completed one by one or prioritizing can be done accordingly. Moreover, if you are someone who is looking for perfection then it’s time to begin something with imperfection only.
2. Start Pre-Committing
When a task is with you alone, you might not want to complete it sooner and still procrastinate but when your friends know it or your favorite diary knows it, an urge to complete it comes on its own. Bet with yourself and commit that you are going to finish a task. In case you want to make it interesting, upload the task on your social media and tell your friends that you are going to wrap the work by 7 pm today.
Or you can tell your friend that you will give him $10 every time you fail to complete a task on time. If you are continuously failing or creating a last-minute mess with it, raise the money.
3. Get Easy Things Done First
It becomes simpler when you take baby steps and start ticking the tasks one by one. To clear out the whole list, you can begin with easier tasks first. Finishing each task boosts confidence within yourself and the rest of the jobs feel less daunting. You will find yourself in a better state of mind and it is hopeful to finish all the mentioned tasks in the To-Do list very soon. The sooner you finish, the better your chances to get new work or else you keep hanging in the same scenario over and over again.
4. Instead, Get Tough Things Done First
There is another way round to help yourself and stop procrastinating. Get the most uncomfortable and time consuming job right now. It is so that you do not stress about finishing an annoying task while completing the easier ones. For example, you know that submission of Chemistry and Physics reports could be done easily but Mathematics would take time. So, get up next morning and wrap with Mathematics first.
By evening, you will be left with probably less energy and only a few hours of work. Balanced and equal, right?
5. Reward Yourself
And once you have put all your energy nicely into the work, it’s time to set a reward for yourself. How about using the same money that you have decided to give to your friend before committing? Yes, use those dollar bills to get a tub of ice cream, a pack of chocolates, or anything yummy to feed your lovely stomach. Such temptations are good to fuel you and probably the best part after the job is done. This is one of the best ways on how to stop procrastination.
Quick Strategies to Avoid Procrastination:
Apart from being optimistic for yourself, you can make few strategies so that you can avoid procrastination:
- Tell your friend or family member to keep a check on you or keep reminding you for the assigned tasks, of course a little nicely.
- Try minimizing the distractions that raise the procrastination level. Keep your phone, television, and other distractions aside so that work could be done without another glitch.
- Empower yourself-voice! Tell yourself that you ‘must’ complete this or ‘I choose’ to finish this.
- Use time management apps, just as a guidance.
We are sure that you will not stop yourself from completing your tasks on time and even before the deadline now. It will take some time but this doesn’t mean that you refrain to start. So stand up, let’s focus on the work and get it done! Will you be able to? Sure!
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