What is Spiritual Awakening : Signs of Spiritual Awakening

Last Update on May 23, 2022 : Published on May 24, 2022

List of Contents

  • What Is The Meaning Of Spiritual Awakening?
  • Signs Of Spiritual Awakening…
  • Physical Symptoms Of Spiritual Awakening
  • Spiritual Awakening Stages

What does the term ‘spiritual awakening’ mean to you? Many of us confuse spiritual awakening to be related to religion. Spiritual enlightenment is about getting to know yourself better, developing the ability to control your thoughts, living in the present, not worrying about the past or future, and many more things.

You can use your religious teachings and values as a medium to achieve this self-actualization stage of spiritual awakening. But you don’t necessarily have to take a religious path, you can achieve a spiritual awakening through various other mediums as well.

I am sure you have a lot of questions about spiritual awakening and enlightenment. Do I have to leave my friends, family, job, etc.? What will I get out of being spiritually awakened? Will you experience no emotions after being spiritually awakened? Etc.

Well, this blog will answer all your doubts about spiritual awakening!

Here you go…

What Is The Meaning Of Spiritual Awakening?

We all have a soul, right? Spiritual awakening is said to awaken the soul of a person. The process of spiritual awakening is said to begin suddenly after you have been through a very dark, traumatic, life-altering situation in your life.

Philosophers say spiritual awakening happens when your soul decides to wake up and influence your thought process and changes the definition of your needs and wants completely. Spiritual awakening is when you are ready for a transformation.

Your spiritual awakening journey may begin with a miserable incident that makes you question your very own existence and the meaning of your life. That incident becomes life-altering because it makes you realize how meaningless the materialistic world is.

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Signs Of Spiritual Awakening…

Spiritual awakening is just the beginning of reaching the self-actualization stage or some people also call it Nirvana. Since spiritual awakening is about being at the lowest step of the ladder and reaching the spiritually aware and enlightened stage, it is the transition time, there are going to be specific changes in the way you think, feel and act.

Keep in mind these signs of spiritual awakening so that you know what’s happening to you;

  • You are in the midst of a stressful, problematic, traumatic, rough path in your life,
  • Life suddenly seems meaningless to you,
  • You now enjoy spending time with yourself and your thoughts,
  • You have begun engaging in deep & meaningful conversations with yourself,
  • Some important People around you have started to part ways with you,
  • You suddenly have a realization that you need to change the way you’re leading your life,
  • You’ve become very sensitive to everything around you,
  • You’ve started searching for the purpose and meaning of your life,
  • You’ve become compassionate towards other people,
  • You’ve started believing in altruism, etc.

Also read: Spiritualism & Mental Health: Discover The Facts

Physical Symptoms Of Spiritual Awakening

Now that you know of the emotional signs of spiritual awakening, it’s time to talk about some physical symptoms of spiritual awakening as well!

Why is it important?

Because sometimes we fail to recognize the emotional and mental signs of spiritual awakening and by having the knowledge of the physical symptoms of spiritual awakening you can not only identify spiritual awakening for yourself but also help others recognize the onset of their spiritual journey.

Let’s give a quick look the some physical symptoms of spiritual awakening;

  • You begin to have a prickly sensation on your head and spine. Feels like you’re wearing a crown
  • You experience an increased growth of your nails and hair
  • You notice some changes in your sleep patterns
  • Your body has become extremely sensitive to the environment around you, lights seems stronger, colors become more vivid, etc.
  • You experience sudden changes in weight
  • You might experience various aches, pains, fever, etc.
  • You can experience mood swings
  • You might have an out-of-body experience like your floating while you meditate.

Also read: Exploring Spiritual Wellness: How To Improve Our Spiritual Health

Spiritual Awakening Stages

There are 5 stages of the process of spiritual awakening, let’s quickly give them a look…

1. An Awakening incident: it is an incident that completely shakes your life

2. Path seeking: it’s when you begin to explore the newfound enlightenment via books, people, mentors, etc. it’s more like a personal developmental stage.

3. Choosing your path: after exploring different spiritual paths and understanding yourself better, it’s time to choose your own path, will it be meditation, chanting, joining a spiritual group, etc.?

4. The testing stage: in this stage the universe tests your capabilities. In this stage you might lose your job, people might take advantage of you or something will happen that will put you in misery.

5. Recognizing the ultimate truth: it’s when you achieve the final phase of knowledge and wisdom. Life will put you in difficult situations only to put you in a much better position than you are right now.

Also read: What is Spiritual Meditation: Benefits, and How to Practice

That’s All Folks!

I hope you found this blog interesting, enlightening, and thought-provoking. Spiritual awakening is just the beginning of seeing the world through a completely different lens.

The journey is not for everyone, some reach the spiritual awakening stage but unfortunately do not reach the spiritual enlightenment stage. It all depends on how well you respond to the challenges and how dedicated you are to your spiritual journey.

Thanks for reading.

Take care and stay safe.

About The Author

Kirti Bhati
Kirti Bhati

I am an English literature (major) and psychology (minor) graduate from St. Bede’s College, Shimla. Postgraduate in Clinical psychology from IIS University, Jaipur. She has published a Research paper on Music therapy in the military population and Workplace stress in a national seminar conducted by Fortis hospital (gurugram) and international seminar conducted by St. Bede’s College, Shimla, Respectively. Authored a dissertation work on ‘effect of social media addiction on the mental and physical well-being in adolescents’ Currently working at calm sage as a writer.

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