Understanding And Recognizing Pink Flags In A Relationship

When I started dating, my partner used to stop communicating out of nowhere, like we were in a conversation and suddenly he would step into another universe. Initially, I didn’t react and asked him to work out. Consecutively, he never tried to work on his communication and mindfulness skills and slowly it turned out to be a major issue in the relationship.
Pink flags in a relationship are visible from the initial phases but if not worked on or overlooked, they can turn out to be a major issue in the relationship. Pink flags in the relationship are different from yellow, beige, red, or green flags because these flags can show areas for improvement or signs that demand proper attention.
In this blog, we will take a deep look at pink flags in a relationship, how to spot them, and how to resolve them to build a healthy and happy relationship. So, let’s get started!
List of Contents
What are Pink Flags in a Relationship?
Pink flags are not as severe as yellow or red flags in a relationship; instead, pink flags indicate an issue in a relationship that needs to be worked on. If not worked on or overlooked by a partner, such signs can turn into major issues in the relationship.
In some cases, pink flags may not turn into a major issue but they still can feel daunting to one partner even after spending years with them. The severity of pink flags totally depends on the context.
After spotting them in your relationship, you should work on them, learn more about them, or proceed with caution in the future. Whatever the reason, they are always helpful to learn and help you build a successful and happy relationship with your partner.
10 Major Pink Flags in a Relationship
1. Abuse
Abuse in any form (emotional, verbal, physical, or financial) is a deal-breaker in all types of relationships. If your partner has just started showing signs of abuse in any form, stop it right away and work on resolving the issue before it turns into a major issue.
What to do: As I said, abuse in any form is a non-negotiable thing in a relationship. If you’re in a relationship with someone who is into abuse, stop them right away and take the required actions.
2. Controlling behavior
Controlling behavior not only looks toxic but it also limits your ability to make decisions, lowers your self-esteem, and can turn into abuse if not controlled before time. Controlling behavior is a deal-breaker and is considered to be a red flag. If your partner has just started showing signs of controlling behavior, it’s high time to stop them immediately.
What to do: Controlling behaviors are an initial warning sign of abuse, therefore, they need to be worked on immediately and carefully. Communicate your needs and wants to your partner and work on resolving such behaviors together.
3. Different priorities
When you two share different priorities at a time, you start making adjustments with your career, goals, family, and whatnot! Initially, such small acts of adjustment might look normal but with them, they keep on getting worse if they are not converted into mutual priorities.
What to do: Sit with your partner, discuss your priorities mindfully, and then decide if this relationship is worth having or not at the moment.
4. Gaslighting
Gaslighting is known to be a manipulation tactic which is a red flag and considered to be a form of emotional abuse. If your partner is continuously blaming something on you or making you feel bad about yourself lately, consider those signs to be warning signs of gaslighting.
What to do: The first important step to resolve gaslighting is to understand whether it’s gaslighting or not and then take a stand for yourself. To read a detailed guide on how to deal with gaslighting, click below:
Are you being gaslighted? Try these ways to deal with gaslighting
5. Jealousy
Jealousy might look normal in the initial phases of the relationship; however, constant jealousy combined with insecurity can turn into a major issue later. For example, if your partner needs your undivided attention, it might be an adjustable part however; a partner getting jealous of your professional or personal things might be a non-negotiable thing in your relationship.
What to do: Communication is one of the major keys to resolving issues in your relationship. Constant communication, expressing your feelings, and discussing each other’s needs can help remove jealousy permanently from your relationship.
6. Lack of communication
We all are busy achieving our career goals, but we must find time to communicate and discuss our needs, emotions, feelings, or thoughts on a regular basis. If your partner seems to be busy all the time, unable to provide time to you, or not really a good listener, it might turn into a major issue in the relationship. It can turn into disagreements, misunderstandings, and more in the relationship.
What to do: No matter how busy you both are, always make time for each other and try to do one thing together daily. For example, you can cook together, do laundry together, or eat together.
7. Lack of conflict-resolving abilities
Problems are an inevitable part of a relationship; it really matters how compatible you two are at resolving conflicts. It’s a fact that partners who keep things by heart are not able to build a successful relationship. It’s important to know how to self-forgive and move on. Additionally, there are some couples who stop communicating during conflicts because they think they are protecting the relationship from toxicity, well; it’s not the right thing to do. As mentioned above, communication is the major key to resolving most of the conflicts in the relationship.
What to do: Keep communicating, keep discussing, keep showing your feelings or emotions, and never let your partner feel less worthy. Avoid going to bed angry, instead keep talking, fight for your relationship, and find a solution over lengthy discussions.
8. Lack of kindness
Small acts of kindness and thoughtfulness make a major difference in the relationship. Leaving your partner messed up every time might make you look selfish and inconsiderate. Kindness in a relationship makes you look generous, caring, thoughtful, compassionate, and supportive.
What to do: Avoid making assumptions, instead practice some thoughtfulness and focus on each other’s needs mindfully.
9. Lack of personal relationships
A partner who has bad relationships with family or friends lacks familial love which often results in major issues in the future. In some relationships, lack of familial love may turn into toxicity, lack of respect, lack of mutual understanding, and more.
What to do: A person with bad relationships with friends or family always has their story wherein they may be abandoned, detached, abused, and more. Therefore, if you’re dating someone with a lack of familial love, learn about their story, and try to make them feel supported and loved. If they are still not able to revive a healthy relationship with you, take the help of a mental health professional for proper diagnosis and counseling.
To connect with a couple’s therapist through online platforms, click below:
10. Love bombing
One of the major red flags in a relationship is known to be love bombing. In love bombing a partner becomes very invested from the early phases and slowly it can turn into manipulation and lack of affection. Consecutively, it makes the other partner feel grandiose which can leave you brokenhearted. Love bombing can be commonly seen in narcissists.
What to do: If you feel you’re love-bombed by your partner, remove yourself from the situation and seek the support of your loved ones. Walk away directly from uncomfortable situations because in the future such relationships can leave you unworthy and unloved.
Frequently Asked Questions
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