9 Visible Signs Your Mental Health is Taking A downhill Path

We all have different, unique experiences in life. But all our lives are a combination of good, bad and okay days then how are the experiences unique? Even thought of this? We are all living in the same world experiencing good, bad and neutral events.
What makes experiences unique is the way we react and perceive things in life. Something that is good for you can be neural for some and extremely bad for the other. Therefore, it is only you who can completely understand your mental state.
There are so many people who fail to recognise the unsettling feeling. And it’s not possible for others to point this out because only you are aware of what you are truly feeling. So, I am here to make your life easy.
Here’s a list of signs that indicate that your mental health might be declining!
9 Signs You Should Start Taking Care of Your Mental Health
1. Change in sleep and appetite
Your sleeping and eating patterns are the first thing to change if you ignore your mental health. Having a stressful day has the ability to disrupt your sleep and appetite. Keep a check on these basic things.
Also read: Practicing The 3-6-5 Meditative Breathing Method For Better Sleep
Are you sleeping too much or too little? Has your appetite increased or is alarmingly decreased? Sleep and appetite can be disturbed by various factors (physical or mental). It is a warning sign so if that happens seek help!
2. Sudden change in mood
Our mood is a true representation of what is happening inside our mind. If your mind is upset your mood is going to be upset too. If you begin to feel unsettled for an unidentified reason, it is highly possible that your mental health is at risk.
Look for fluctuations in your mood or is your mood opposite of what your basic mood is. Like are you always irritated or frustrated? Are you finding it difficult to manage anger? Etc.
3. Withdrawal from society
Another sign of you being at the brim of developing a mental health issue is withdrawal. Are you losing interest in social conversations? You might want to stay away from people in general.
You begin avoiding social gatherings, parties and family functions. A complete cut off from friends and family. If you stop enjoying things you previously did is a red flag, don’t ignore it!
4. Interrupted functioning
Usual ups and downs in your regular functioning is normal. But if there is an unusual change in the way you would normally function can be a problem.
Let’s say you suddenly start skipping school or mess up from meeting at work. It becomes difficult for you to complete simple tasks which you’d do at a snap of your fingers.
5. Clouded thinking
This is when you just can’t think clearly. Your cognitive activities seem very rough and unfinished. You’re not able to make proper decisions or your thoughts are way out of line.
You begin to have problems in concentration, logical reasoning and even memory. It’s important to keep a check on yourself. See you’re doing so that it’s easy for you to recognise any ailment.
6. Apathy
Now apathy will not go unnoticed but there is a high chance you don’t take it seriously. Apathy is when you stop engaging in any kind of activity. You fail to take an initiative to do anything.
There is a sudden loss of interest in activities you once liked. You even drop all your desires, you no longer have any desires to fulfill.
7. Feeling of disconnect from self
You begin to feel like you dont know yourself anymore. Everything seems unreal and useless. You develop questions about yourself and your surroundings.
You begin to question your existence. Lose meaning and purpose in life.
Also read: Midlife Crisis: What Is It & How To Deal With It?
8. Develop trust issues
You don’t trust anything or anyone. There is a constant nervousness that keeps you on your toes even when there is no danger.
You begin to feel suspicious about everyone around you. Basically, you develop hightented trust issues and fear.
9. Unusual behavior
There is a strange change in your behavior. Which is obviously away from how you would normally behave.
For example, if you are a confident person you but somehow you begin to fear confronting people. Or you suddenly start lashing out at others even though you have a basic calm nature.
To conclude….
Developing a mental health problem is not your fault. But if you choose to ignore the warning sign of a mental illness then it might be your fault. Get help from a professional when you begin to spot signs of worsening mental health.
Both for physical and mental health your body and mind will give you signs. We have to be alert enough to recognise those signs in us and our friends and family. These 9 signs indicate that your mental health might be going down.
I hope his blog helps you get a deeper understanding of what the signs of a declining mental health look like. We are all in this together. Make sure you help someone if they display these signs. Share the blog with your friends and family so that everyone can be aware of the warming signs.
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Thanks for reading!
Take care and stay safe!