Self-Help Guide: Ways To Stop Feeling Embarrassed About Your Depression

Overcoming depression is not easy; it’s a roller coaster ride with so many negative emotions. However, acknowledgment and acceptance can help you throughout the process. One important struggle that I wanted to discuss here is the feelings of shame, guilt, or embarrassment that comes along with your depressive symptoms.
It is quite a common issue to experience embarrassment related to your depression. Know that, you are not alone! I honestly feel that feelings of embarrassment are common because they are running around the stigmas related to mental illnesses like depression.
If you’re also struggling with the same feelings, don’t worry…I have got your back! In this blog, I have enlisted some effective and important ways to stop feeling embarrassed about your depression. This blog can be used as a self-help guide to reduce or overcome feelings of embarrassment related to depression. So, let’s get started.
Ways to Stop Feeling Embarrassed about your Depression
1. Don’t bother about the stigmas and live life your way!
As we all know that depression is one of the most common mental health issues and it has a lot of stigmas related to it. Due to its high prevalence, people have now started to understand the experiences, feelings, symptoms, and emotions attached to it.
Therefore, stop bothering others and live your life the way you always wanted to! Do not isolate yourself and start focusing on living life your way.
2. Remember, there are people who really care about you
Since depression is a common mental health condition and is experienced by 7.1% of adults in the US, you can look around and see that there are people who can understand you deeply. I know that depression is different for everyone but you can join a support group and share your experiences so that you can learn and seek support from others as well.
3. Reconsider the myths and focus on facts
Unfortunately, there are a lot of myths and stigmas that surround depression. One of the best ways to reduce the feelings of embarrassment related to your depression is to reconsider the myths and facts related to depression. For example, if someone tells you depression is not a real illness, show them evidence-based studies on depression.
4. Find your support system
It’s quite understandable that you cannot open up about your depression in front of everyone. It’s a sensitive topic that needs proper understanding and acceptance. But this does not mean that you will keep your issues hidden under the carpet. You can work on finding social support that protects you against stigmas and works for recovery.
Social support can be formed with a friend, co-worker, family member, partner, online friend, mental health professional, or member of the support group.
5. Treat yourself with the dose of self-compassion regularly
We get too hard on ourselves especially when we are bombarded with stigmas, myths, judgments, and whatnot! But, if you keep on berating yourself, you will never be able to combat your depression. In such situations, try self-compassion. Self-compassion can help you with low mood, fatigue, negative thoughts, lack of motivation, and more. It’s a simple self-care technique that should be your priority.
6. Understand the psychology behind your issues
One of the common myths that run around depression is that people keep on finding reasons to be depressed. While the fact is completely different, depression can be situational but it can never be based on finding reasons. It is completely not okay to compare your feelings with others, try to live your life on your own terms, and understand the psychology behind your issues so that you can work specifically.
7. Avoid negative self-talk
Sometimes, we start feeling embarrassed due to negative self-talk. For some time, ask your inner critic to go on a vacation and most importantly encourage yourself to overcome your depressive episodes. Try to use positive affirmations like cheer up, snap out of it, or have control of my emotions.
8. Start finding recovery options
If you’re in therapy or not in therapy, you can look for other recovery options as well that provide evidence-based treatment like ketamine infusions, transcranial magnetic stimulation, support groups, and others. You can also begin by making some positive life adjustments like eating a well-balanced diet, meditation, yoga, and more.
9. Remember, there is no harm in seeking help
If you are not into therapy yet, remember that there is no harm in seeking help. Seeking help can make you win half the battle. Therefore, connect with a mental health professional today; and learn about your symptoms, behaviors, emotions, and everything.
To connect with a mental health professional from BetterHelp, click here.
I hope this blog helps you with effective ways to stop feeling guilty, shame, or embarrassed about your depression. For more such content, connect with us on all social media platforms.
Thanks for reading!