An Overview Of Platonic Relationship

As the name goes, platonic relationships are simple and quite peaceful. If you share a close bond with someone and do not have a sexual relationship or intimacy, this will refer to as a platonic relationship.
The platonic relationship was firstly originated from the ideas of philosopher Plato as he believed that this type of love brings people close and forms a divine and ideal relationship.
Or we can say, the platonic relationship is the formal name for close friendships or relationships without having a romantic relationship. It can be found anywhere like bromance, womance, or friendship.
In this blog, we are going to learn about the basics of platonic relationships along with how to form them and how to keep them in a healthy manner. So, let’s get started.
Signs you’re in a Platonic Relationship
There are a number of signs that prove that you’re having a platonic relationship. If you’re having sexual aspects or intimacies then please do not consider your relationship as a platonic relationship.
Signs of a platonic relationship Includes:
1. If you both are being honest with each other.
2. If you feel closeness with each other and have a mutual sharing.
3. If you are both comfortable around each other.
4. If you have accepted each other without any judgments.
5. If you share a mutual understanding of each other.
6. If you respect each other’s personal space.
7. If you feel safe and easy around each other.
If all of the above signs match with your relationship…Congrats! You’re in a healthy platonic relationship.
Types of Platonic Relationship
As stated, it can be with anyone. Maybe your close friend, maybe your bro friend, or maybe your room partner as well.
Below are some common types of platonic relationships:
1. Womance:
If you’re having an emotional and non-sexual relationship with a woman, it will be referred to as a womance.
2. Bromance:
If you are having a close and affectionate relationship with a man with a no-sexual relationship, it will be referred to as bromance.
3. Work Spouse:
This term might look new but it is very common. If you’re having a close and non-sexual relationship with your colleague or co-worker, it will be referred to as work spouse.
4. Sharing Partners:
If you’re sharing your room with a same-sex partner or an opposite-sex partner with closeness, it will be also referred to as a type of platonic relationship.
Ways to Form a Healthy Platonic Relationship
The platonic relationship does not only bring peace to our life but also benefits us psychologically. To form a healthy platonic relationship, it is important to have social support.
Below are some ways you can use to form a happy, close, and healthy platonic relationship:
- By joining social networking sites or groups wherein you can meet and know new people.
- By signing up for classes or workshops.
- By participating in community activities.
- By volunteering for causes in your city or community
Benefits of Platonic Relationship
1. Reduces loneliness
If you’re someone who often feels alone and not ready for a committed relationship, you can look for a platonic relationship as it will help you to combat chronic loneliness.
2. Increases resilience
The platonic relationship makes us resilient towards challenges. Be it official work or personal life issues, it always helps us with fighting back and provides us strength.
3. Reduces stress
Platonic relationship benefits our overall mental health, however; it specifically reduces stress as stress is linked with various mental health and physical health conditions.
4. Overall improve health
Having someone at your back decreases the risk of major physical health issues as well. Loving and being loved along with mutual respect enhances our overall well-being.
5. Increases the level of dopamine and oxytocin
Dopamine and oxytocin are some of the happy hormones that bring happiness to our lives and help us in enhancing mental wellbeing. Therefore, a platonic relationship in your life can decrease the risk of major issues.
6. Provides love and support
Research shows that love and support decrease the risk of major health issues. Also, it makes life beautiful and peaceful. It also improves your immunity and your self-confidence.
Tips for Maintaining a Platonic Relationship
1. Share feelings and everything.
2. Do not force them to be with you.
3. Do not let them do all the work.
4. Always stay in touch.
5. Always show up for them.
6. Keep judgments aside.
7. Always find ways to make them happy.
8. Share grieves and sorrows.
I hope this blog helps you to form a healthy platonic relationship with someone. Comment down and share your experience of a platonic relationship. For more such content, connect with us on all social media platforms.
Thanks for reading.