How to Deal With Social Anxiety at Work?

In this blog, we will discuss ways of dealing with social anxiety at work. This blog is correlated with our previous blog “What is social anxiety or social phobia? Causes and Symptoms.
It is globally proved that American’s greatest fear is “Public Speaking”. The cold and shaky hand is a common symptom of social anxiety or social phobia. Social phobia is an excessive fear of being negatively judged by other people.
This blog highlights some of the simplest ways on “how to deal with social anxiety at work”. By following these ways to overcome social phobia, you will be able to gain your confidence and level. It’s high time to forget the blues of social anxiety and learn new ways to beat the fear of social anxiety or social phobia.
Before starting with the steps, we suggest you consult with your psychologist and receive proper treatment to manage your social anxiety symptoms.
Key Fact: Shyness is not the same as social anxiety or social phobia. Below mentioned are the easy ways to overcome social anxiety or social phobia at work.
How to Deal With Social Anxiety at Work?
1. Anxiety is Natural
While trying to overcome social phobia, you need to understand that anxiety is the normal response that is carried by an adrenaline rush. The adrenaline rush is important, as, without them, we cannot perform our best.
Always look at the brighter side and concentrate on the natural ways. Humans are social species and they depend on each other to survive.
Nature and Nurture are the two overwhelming proportions that inflate these feelings. Anxiety is common and runs in genes. Therefore, make a note that anxiety is natural and start expressing your views at work.
2. Apprehension Isn’t Reality
Our mind is constantly working and thinking. We also experience some thoughts which sometimes affect our energy and mood. In the same manner, social phobia is like a parasite that feeds on our thoughts and contributes to negative judgments.
Thoughts like, “I am not going to make this meeting, I’m nervous, I always sound like a fool” are examples of self-negative-judgment. But, this thinking habit can be changed like all our bad habits, we changed in the past years. Therefore, to overcome the fear of negative judgment starts thinking positively.
Small tip: You can also carry a small diary and jot down all the points, you want to present. In this way, you will be on track to expressing ideas at work.
Positive thoughts like:
“I will do it, nothing is impossible, making mistakes doesn’t mean the end of the world”.
3. Try to Relabel
Signs of social phobia are identical. If you feel anxious, it will create a destructive spiral in your mind. But, at the same time, If you feel the excitement, it will show that you are capable and prepared. Hence, try to relabel your thoughts and embrace positive thinking!
4. Let the Anxiety Fade
We understand that anxiety is uncontrollable. Therefore, breath slowly and deep from your abdomen to ease the anxiety and exhale the anxiety till the count of four. Repeat this process 5-6 times a day.
This is the natural way of fading anxiety. Also, you can do this small activity, whenever you start feeling anxious. This activity will ease the process and will provide confidence for beating the social phobia.
5. Focus on Something Else
Anxiety disbalances your attention and focus. Therefore, try to focus on something else. If you’re presenting your views in a meeting, focus on expressing your views efficiently.
Try to present your views with a smile, it shows that you are confident enough. The shift of focus interrupts the “cycle of anxiety” and lets you attend the business efficiently.
6. Prepare Yourself to Experience Discomfit
Do you also think that some things are worth doing? Try to achieve things that are worthy, even if you’re experiencing anxiety. You will feel amazing!
During the beginning of such experiences, people may observe you’re anxious behavior, but after some time it will fade away.
Steven Hayes quoted that “Be willing to stand in the hurricane and do what you think is important”.
7. Learn to Tolerate Unreliability
This way might look tough, but it is worth doing. At some point of life, you may experience that “you can’t control everything”. Therefore, Learn to accept your shortcomings and try to change them.
“The key to success is to start before you are ready.” – Marie Forleo
I hope you like this blog! To read more articles about “positive lifestyle”, follow Calm Sage. Keep smiling and let the anxiety fade.