Guide Me: 13 Most Popular Types Of Yoga Before You Join Yoga Classes

We have been listening to the health benefits of yoga for many years now but deciding which type of yoga you want to try first may be a little confusing. This confusion appears because of multiple names, options, styles, and a variety of yoga asanas involved. This particular article is meant to guide you types of yoga about which you can enquire to the instructor before joining a class.
If you don’t like yoga at once, remember that the types of yoga have such a huge list that one of them will surely fall fit for you. Yoga also varies according to the teachers, physical demands of the body(easy yoga, breathing exercises, meditation, etc.). So let’s get on the different types of yoga and select the right one for yourself.
Here are the Basic Types of Yoga Asanas that can help you Get Started:
1. Hatha Yoga
2. Vinyasa Yoga or One Flow
3. Anusara Yoga
4. Ashtanga Yoga
5. Baptiste Power Vinyasa
6. Bikram Yoga or Hot Yoga
7. Iyengar Yoga
8. Jivamukti Yoga
9. Kripalu Yoga
10. Kundalini Yoga
11. Power Yoga
12. Restorative yoga
13. Yin Yoga
You can Read about These Yoga asanas in Detail below and Start Practising.
Different Types Of Yoga Asanas with Pictures:
1. Hatha Yoga
Often called as best yoga practice for beginners, ‘Hath’ literally means Force and involves low key physical movements. This yoga type helps in understanding body mechanics and drives energy in specific directions. Moreover, your body becomes ready for a notch higher yoga practice after performing innumerable asanas of Hatha yoga.
2. Vinyasa Yoga or One Flow
Image source: Vinyasayogacademy
Vinyasa yoga is also known as Flow yoga as the asanas are stringed together with continuous flow. It is a rigorous type of yoga and all the poses are followed in the same order every time. However, yoga teachers now make variations according to the practitioners. It is important to know that One Flow yoga is synchronized with breaths and also includes a series of sun salutations.
3. Anusara Yoga
The modern style of Hatha yoga comes in the form of Anusara yoga and was founded by John Friend. Anusara means ‘following your heart’ or ‘going with the flow’ and it means to bring overall goodness within oneself. This type of yoga is light to perform and ends with relaxation or meditation.
4. Ashtanga Yoga
Image source: ashtangyogagirl
Founded in the 1960s by Pattabhi Jois, Ashtanga yoga is physically demanding and possess intense and fast paced poses. Ashtanga literally means eight limbs and the practice focuses on building strength, focused breathing as well as removing physical tension of the body.
5. Baptiste Power Vinyasa
This type of yoga was developed by Baron Baptiste and comes under the circle of Hot Yoga. Baptiste yoga stands on 5 strong pillars called as Breath(Ujjayi pranayam), Heat(room should be 90-95 degrees), Vinyasa style of practice, Gazing and Core stabilization. Your body becomes strong and sweaty but overall it demands physical strength.
6. Bikram Yoga or Hot Yoga
The pioneer of Hot yoga, Bikram Chaudhry has given yoga a unique turn. The rooms are heated at 100-105 degrees and participants go through a set of strict postures along with profuse sweating. It is known that sweating loses the tight muscles for overall better health.
7. Iyengar Yoga
Image source: Triyoga
Iyengar yoga is named after its founder B.K.S. Iyengar and his focus was structural alignment of the body. This is why he promoted use of props like belts, blocks, blankets, and straps in order to achieve desired results. It is also preached that Iyengar yoga must be performed with the help of a teacher to avoid errors and injuries.
8. Jivamukti Yoga
A blend of physical, spiritual and ethical practices gave birth to Jivamukti yoga by founders called David Life & Shannon Gannon in 1984. This type of yoga is guided by 5 tenets like Shastra or scripture, Bhakti or devotion, Ahimsa or nonviolence, Nada or music, and Dhyana or meditation. Although the yoga is intense but often includes spiritual awakening of the performer.
9. Kripalu Yoga
Kripalu is a type of yoga as well as yoga center in Massachusetts. It involves Hatha yoga combined with pranayama, asanas and meditation. Yoga classes are based on compassion, self-acceptance, observing your own mind and moving ahead in life at your own pace. Those who are facing issues like mobility or severe illnesses prefer Kripalu yoga.
10. Kundalini Yoga
A little tough when compared with others, Kundalini yoga comes from Vadantic culture and focuses on energy that lies dormant at the base of the spine. The dormant energy is activated with this type of yoga and it travels towards the mind through the chakras. The asanas are also called Kriyas and require one to focus on breaths.
11. Power Yoga
Power yoga is similar to giving more power to the Vinyasa style of yoga along with the intensity of Ashtanga yoga. This kind of yoga gained popularity during the 1990s when two American yoga teachers tried to spread knowledge of yoga amongst westerners. It means to enhance stamina and flexibility with good results in weight loss.
12. Restorative yoga
Image source: Missyogafit
Restorative yoga is more of a relaxing yoga practice where passive stretching and slowing down of movements take place. In fact, there are only a few movements in the class and one feels relaxed with the use of props. It can even be called as a method of active relaxation where gentle twists and forward bends are undertaken smoothly.
13. Yin Yoga
Incorporating principles of traditional Chinese medicine, Yin yoga revolves around slow postures or postures where one holds themselves for longer duration. It helps in increasing the circulation around joints and enhances flexibility. This type of yoga was founded by martial arts expert Paulie Zink in the 1970s.
Which Type Of Yoga Classes Will You Take?
We are hopeful that you now have an idea about types of yoga asanas and you will be able to find the best choice for yourself. CalmSage promotes practice of yoga for physical as well as mental health and wishes you all to stay overall healthy.
Keep smiling and keep reading!
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