The Digital Detox : Disconnect to Reconnect

Last Update on October 29, 2021 : Published on February 27, 2020

It was a fine weekend evening,  I was sitting in a cafe and was enjoying my cup of latte while scrolling the feed on my Instagram. Suddenly, I overheard a group of friends saying, “being offline is a luxury”. The group of friends really looked happy. I sipped up my coffee and headed back home. I started reading more about Digital Detox and its benefits.

I found that we work around 8-9 hours a day on screen and we spend our free time chatting with our friends online or scrolling on social media.

What is the first thing that we do in the morning? Take our phone, open social media and scroll. The question is … is it the right thing to do? Do you know the disadvantages related to digital screen time?

Disconnect to Reconnect

Relax! In this blog, I am highlighting every question and doubt related to “The Digital Detox”.

Also Read: Simple Yet Effective Ways To Detox Body & Mind

What is a Digital Detox?

Digital detox is a period of time when people refrain from using tech devices such as televisions, computers, smartphones, tablets, and social media sites.

It is the best way to focus on real-life interactions without any distractions. This way, people can reduce their stress level that occurs from constant connectivity on social media.

Why is it Important to Undergo Digital Detox?

I have observed that for many people, being immersed and connected in the digital world is a part. Research shows that an average adult spends around 11 hours per day in listening, reading, interacting and watching social media.

  • To enjoy time with your loved ones without any interference.
  • When device usage is excessive and adding stress to your life.
  • When you feel like you are addicted to your phone.
  • To discover new hobbies

What is a Digital Detox

Technologies can be stressful too!

If you think that you can’t live without your devices, surveys state that excessive use of devices contributes to stress. An excessive digital connection can lead to a constant need for checking emails, texts, and social media.

At the same time, evidence recommends that excessive device usage (prior to bedtime) can interfere with sleep quantity and quality. There is also a connection between increased weight and excessive digital connectivity which results in anxiety, short sleep duration, and insomnia.

Why is it important to undergo Digital Detox

The craving of digital connection can create boundaries among your work life and home life. Excessiveness basically unbalances the work-life equilibrium.

Therefore, digital detox helps you in establishing a less stressful and healthier work-life balance.

Social media on one hand takes up much of our time and it may make us forget about our real-life interests but did you know that with a smart app, you can control your phone usage and prevent social media from ruling your life? Yes! With the Social Fever app, you can smartly and effectively manage your app time by setting timers and staying motivated to stay in touch with your real-life interests.

Get Social Fever App Now

Easy Ways to Start a Digital Detox

1. Make a List of Gadgets

Before committing to digital detox, try to make two lists. First, list all of your gadgets which will show how much you are dependent on technology. Second, make a list of things/hobbies which you enjoy doing.

From doing this, you will be able to bring back the real enjoyment into life. This will save you from the constant checking of Facebook and Insta.

2. Give Allowance to Yourself

If you will establish a maximum time allowance of your gadgets, then you will be able to stick to your detox goal. This will encourage more real social bonding with your buddies.

3. Commit to Changing one Habit Every Week/Month

Bring the change slowly, set one goal at a time and try to stick at least a week no matter what. To achieve this, you can try the activity of “Phone stacking” whenever you go for a meeting or family meal. Keep your gadgets out of the bedroom.

Easy Ways to Start a Digital Detox

4. Manage Your Sleep Time

Try to keep your gadgets out of the bedroom, this will prevent you from sleep deprivation. Also, make sure you do not use your gadget at least two hours before bed.

5. Give Attention to Others

Try to give people undivided attention. Constantly checking your phone in front of your buddies and family members makes them think you’re rude. So, try to focus on them and give them attention to strengthen your bonding.

Technologies can be stressful too

 A small message from Calm Sage…

We understand that going “devices” in the world of technology and gadgets is really tough. During a digital detox, you may feel annoyed, bored or anxious. Try to convert this bad experience into a rewarding experience and do something productive.

Hope this article helps you to strengthen your relationship with your loved ones and brings more positivity into your life. For more such content, follow Calm Sage on social media platforms.

More power to you!

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About The Author

Aayushi Kapoor
Aayushi Kapoor

Aayushi is a Content Creator at Calm Sage. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Food Technology and a Master's Degree in Clinical Nutrition. Her constant interest in the improvement of mental health, nutrition, and overall wellness embarked upon her career as a “full-time educational writer.” She likes to make an asynchronous connection with her readers. Her mantra for living life is "What you seek is seeking you".


  1. Raj

    That’s really great suggestion. I think I am gonna do this this week. A much needed break from my phone and laptop . Definitely gonna try some books and do some of my favourite things . Thanks for this beautiful blog . Keep doing great work ???

  2. Raj

    That’s some really great work you have done here. I think I am gonna go for it this week and gonna take a much needed break from my phone and laptop . Definitely gonna try some books and do some of my favourite things . Thanks for this beautiful blog.

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