Bipolar Disorder And Romantic Relationships | Support Your Partner

Dating and relationships let a person flow in a roller coaster ride where emotions, love, fight, and thought of being together forever combined. However, adding bipolar disorder could make things a little more challenging for both the partners. There could be wild mood swings followed by incompatible instances affecting the relationship, emotionally as well as financially. But what yet keeps you two together is your willingness to hold each other’s hands and make sure that the strength of this bond lies in you.
If you are dating someone with bipolar disorder or deeply in love with them, this small guide will help you to manage not only relationships but also your own health. So, let’s make things better together!
What Does It Mean If Your Partner Has Bipolar Disorder?
Bipolar disorder is a mental health condition that results in sudden mood swings where a person experiences very depressive low stages (hopelessness or worthlessness) or sudden emotional highs (very high energy). The reason for bipolar disorder ranges from genetic, changed brain structure or even external environment. Because of the condition, people suffering from it have very low motivation and even forget the activities that they used to enjoy before.
Bipolar 1: If your partner is facing Bipolar 1 then you must know that they may face severe forms of manic episodes where hallucinations, delusions or paranoia attacks may occur. In case the condition worsens, quick hospitalization is required.
Bipolar 2: All the hypomanic episodes may get into the list of Bipolar 2 but they are not as severe as Bipolar 1. However, increased energy and insomnia may interfere with daily activities of the person. It has to be understood that your partner with bipolar disorder 2 may also have an urge to get into the sexual relationship obsessively.
Challenges On Dating Someone With Bipolar
There are various aspects of a relationship that take a shift and you may face different behavior of your partner.
1. Intimacy:
During hypomanic phases, your partner may desire frequent sex or try to become more intimate than usual. The frequency could lead to other issues like extramarital affairs or chances of contracting sexually transmitted diseases. On the other hand, they may want to avoid participating in sexual activities at all during the depression phase.
2. Work-life:
Bipolar disorder affects the work-life of your partner as their sense of judgment lowers down, impulse behavior or disinterest could be seen and stress could simply accelerate the symptoms. You may want to seek a financially secure job for yourself until your partner is undergoing treatment.
3. Parenting:
Parenting could be beautiful but could even become a stressor. The child may not find himself in a stable environment with sudden highs and lows of his parents. However, if your spouse or partner is getting treatment, you both can enjoy parenting like any other couple.
What Can You Do To Help Your Partner With Bipolar Disorder:
Before you move ahead, it is necessary to acknowledge that your partner is just going through a phase of his life and it is not their exact identity. You love the person, you love everything about them and we are glad that you are ready to help them in every possible manner.
1. An Advocate For Treatment:
Your motivation to look for professional treatment could really help your partner to seek help. In fact, you can go along with them and understand the process of management with the experts. With the visit, you can get a deep insight of the illness and look forward to the solutions. Your alertness and awareness can save your partner from getting into adverse episodes.
There are a lot of chances that relationship issues show their ugly face and you may end up hurting each other’s feelings. A good couple counseling drives you to take better care of each other and delivers the steps to improve the relationship as well as health condition.
3. Take Care Of Yourself:
It is of utmost importance that you don’t get dissolved into negativities when caring for your partner. And this is only possible if you take care of yourself equally. Talk to a therapist in person, join a support group or simply involve in a Yoga class to feel amazing.
It is also important to make yourself comfortable during the process. Hence, make sure that you keep a check on your physical, emotional, and mental health and remember to form the boundaries if anything is unstable for you. Your support and love for someone with bipolar disorder is cherished! Feel free to contact us at to connect you with a therapist or engage in meaningful discussion in the comment section below.
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my name is zemen(medical intern), i live with Bipolar I disorder and i am on treatment since 2008, (12th year). you really explain the effect of the disease on sexual partner, the mood swing is frequent and multiple, on the moment you fall in love, with in seconds you hate what you love a minute back. i promis a lot with in hours, i change my promis.... it so challenging to have some lasting behaviour....but one thing i am strong in acadamic matter but i cant manage money and i suffer alot my 32 years old and i earn Bsc, and MD degree's
Hi Zemen Please let us know how else we can help you with. You can drop us a personal message at