What Is ADHD Brain Training? Can Exercising Your Brain Improve ADHD Symptoms?

Have you played any of those mind training games? I am sure you must have, mind training games are one of the best ways to exercise your brain. People who suffer from ADHD can try ADHD Brain training to exercise their brains a bit.
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a psychological condition which can be characterized by inattentiveness, impulsivity and hyperactivity. Living with ADHD is not very easy, in fact the initial years are the most challenging.
Fortunately we have found a lot of ways to manage ADHD symptoms but the struggle still remains. ADHD does have a positive side to it as well, you should know how to use this attention deficit disorder to your benefit.
ADHD brain training is one way you can reduce the intensity of your struggle. We all know how physical exercise benefits us but did you know that exercise for the mind has equal benefits? Let’s explore ADHD brain training and see how exercising your brain can help you…
What Is ADHD Brain Training?
ADHD brain training has been referred to as an alternative treatment or management plan for people with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Brain training in itself is an umbrella term, you cannot just point at a few things and say that’s brain training for you.
But when ADHD is concerned brain training can be narrowed down. ADHD brain training usually engages in neurofeedback/biofeedback or cognitive training. Both of which can be easily administered even in the absence of a trained professional. Therefore, ADHD brain training is a great management skill to learn if you wish to improve your symptoms on your own.
Does Brain Training Work For ADHD?
Well, it depends on individual differences but in most cases brain training has proven to improve attention if not anything else. Having said that, it is very important for you to know that ADHD brain training does not replace treatment, it only aids the clinical treatment that you have been receiving.
ADHD brain training is more of a management skill than a potential treatment option. ADHD brain training basically works on the idea that we have the ability to alter our brain process/functions by changing the neural pathways.
How does one change their neural pathways? Well, it’s not a very complex thing to do, you can shift to a better neutral pathway simply by administering the preferred behavior repeatedly by taking part in frequent exercises. Here’s a list of tools that can help your practice ADHD mind train and exercise your brain;
- Brain training application on phone
- Computer brain exercises
- Occupational therapy
- Brain teasing games
- Neurofeedback
- Physical therapy
In fact there are various studies to prove that such ADHD mind training tools have helped in improving the symptoms. A 2019 study states that neurofeedback reduces ADHD symptoms with no additional side effects. Another 2019 study and 2020 study stated that computer games can reduce ADHD symptoms in just 24 sessions. Not only that, computer games also help children control their impulsivity.
How Does ADHD Brain Training work? (How To Stimulate ADHD Brain)
Have you ever played that game in which with one hand you have to write 6 and with the other you have to write 9 (in the air)? If not, try it now! I am sure you must have struggled in the beginning to do it with both hands together but with time you finally were able to do it.
Well, that’s how ADHD brain training works, when you repeatedly do something, it builds a road map in your brain and you finally do not even have to work hard for it, it will just happen on its own.
ADHD brain training helps you with learning to pay attention, you improve your visual processing, improves concentration, decision making skills and helps you control your impulsiveness all by simply using the brain training techniques for ADHD.
ADHD Brain Training Resources
If you have ADHD or not, knowing how to stimulate your brain is very important. Just like your body, your brain needs some exercising too. Let’s look at some ADHD brain training programs and techniques to help you begin your ADHD brain training journey;
List of ADHD Brain Training Exercises;
- Sudoku
- Jigsaw puzzle
- Playing with Legos
- Crosswords
- Playing cards
List of ADHD Brain Training Programs;
That’s All Folks!
I hope you found this blog about ADHD brain training interesting and informative. Do share this blog with your friends and family so that we can all know how helpful brain training techniques can be for us. Even if you do not have ADHD you can indulge in stimulating your brain, it will only help you.
Thanks for reading.
Take care and play some games!