The Art of Romanticizing Your Life: 14 Simple Things To Do!

If there’s something I’ve learned in the last few years is how to love myself and put myself first before everything else. In my pursuit of self-love, I received a lot of criticism saying that I was being too selfish. Selfish, in others’ eyes it may be, but in mine, prioritizing my needs in my life became a way of incorporating romance into my life.
As a true romantic at heart, I always look for the bright side of everything. I believe that this world and all its creations are simply magic. It may come as a surprise, but many people confuse this romanticism with toxic positivity.
And I get it. It looks and feels a lot like toxic positivity, but in truth, it’s a simple observation, or at least, the quality of it. Now, when I talk about romanticizing my life, I talk about not pure self-love, but allowing love, happiness, and peace to flow from within.
“Romanticize your life” – a social media trend that took over the world post-pandemic – is starting to become a mantra for people who choose to prioritize their own happiness over others. So, as we welcome spring with open hearts and arms, let’s pledge ourselves to romance ourselves to the best of our abilities!
“Romanticizing Your Life” – What Does it Mean?
What started as a TikTok trend, “romanticizing your life” soon became something more than that. Romanticizing your life can mean taking out time to appreciate the little moments in your life, no matter how mundane they may seem. It could also mean understanding how the small things in life can influence your happiness, overall.
When you choose to say, “I am romanticizing my life” you choose to take any mundane activity as an act of mindfulness. For instance, when you’re washing the dishes, you choose to feel how the bubbles form around your hand or how the simple act of watching the dirty dish become clean.
Get my point now?
Now, if I say that TikTok trends are ruling our lives these days, then am I wrong? Romanticizing your life is also connected with another social media trend, “Main Character Energy”. This trend means imagining yourself as the main character of your life’s movie. You are the main lead of your movie and everyone else is a supporting character.
It is believed that when you begin to see yourself as the “Main character” you incorporate a sense of purpose in your life. A simple act of buying groceries can become an act of securing nourishment for your family.
These social media trends may seem non-sensical, but in reality, they can encourage self-improvement and self-love.
So, Why Should You Romanticize Your Life?
Negativity bias is a thing in our lives, meaning that we pay a lot of attention to the negative that happens to us rather than the positive ones we experience. Moreover, negativity bias can cause us to;
- Avoid risks that may be good for us (we avoid them due to our fear of failure)
- Become depressed about how everything around us seems to be negative
- Become afraid of losing what we have
- Ignore opportunities that come knocking at our door
When you choose to see the bright side of things and embrace the little moments of life, you take the lead and step forward to highlight the positive aspects of your life. When you romanticize your life, you begin to notice the good and the positive that has always been there but what you were unable to see because of your negativity bias.
When you choose to romanticize your life, you can improve your mood and boost the quality of your life, tenfold. Plus, it’s so much fun to add a little self-romance to your life!
Now that you’ve chosen to romanticize your life, here are some easy ways to bring it to practice.
Ways to Romanticize Your Life
1.Stick to a Morning Routine
Routine is a powerful tool when it comes to empowering yourself and your mental health. Not only can a routine provide you with comfort amidst change, but it can also help you form healthy and happy habits. Start your morning with a positive routine.
You can add activities you like to engage in or that make you feel energized in your morning routine. I like reading so I make sure that I read at least one chapter before I start my day.
2.Dedicate Mornings to Nature
After your morning routine, try to step outside and take some much-needed from nature. Bask in the sunlight and breathe in the morning air. Going out in the morning can help you set your body cycle in sync with the Sun and can make you feel full of energy.
If you want to, then you can try to get in some exercise in the morning. A simple workout in the morning can help release endorphins that can improve your mood. I prefer cycling or taking a walk, whatever suits my mood. These activities help me appreciate the world a little.
3.Bathe With Eucalyptus
Scientifically, it is said that hanging eucalyptus in your bathroom (over your shower head) can help start your day on a positive note. Eucalyptus is a soothing plant that can help clear your head, relax, and reduce stress.
This way of adding romance to your life may sound a little skeptical, but trust me, making an ordinary shower into a spa experience can boost your mood and make you feel quite special.
4.Wear What Makes You FeelBeautiful!
You don’t have to just look beautiful, but you need to feel beautiful! As the main character of your life, you deserve to dress in the most perfect style, after all. So, when it comes to romanticizing your life, make sure you wear something that makes you appreciate your emotions, not only your appearance.
Bring out your inner Marie Kondo and get rid of anything that does not spark joy in your heart anymore.
5.Add Some Flowers to Your Life
You deserve to have the best of both worlds and sometimes that begins with flowers! Flowers can make anyone’s day brighter, no matter if you’re a man or a woman. The idea of romanticizing your life does not end with dressing well but continues with feeling well.
Take some time out every couple of days and buy some fresh flowers for yourself. Be mindful of the way you arrange your flowers in your living space. I keep my favorite flowers right in my living room so that I have something pretty to look at when I leave my house or when I come back home.
6.Plan a Lunch Date With Self
Rather than eating at your desk, take an afternoon off and go have a lunch date with yourself. And I mean a true break. Eating well and mindfully. You can also take a quick walk after your lunch while listening to music or a motivational podcast.
Whenever I can, I try to incorporate a mindful lunch with my family or if it suits my schedule, I like taking a quick walk while talking to a friend about something that inspires me.
7.Plan a Photo Walk
When you’re walking around after lunch or dinner, try to make it a photo walk. Take your camera with you and click a picture of whatever makes you feel happy or joyous inside. You can also plan a whole photo walk day and just record pictures of your city’s architecture or neighborhood.
You can add the photos you clicked here to a digital album where you can go look again to appreciate the wonders of the world around you.
8.Make a “Romantic Vision Board”
Vision boards are a great tool of manifestation but when I’m talking about a “romantic vision board” I’m not talking about your regular manifestation vision board. I want you to create a vision board where you show all the ways you can add joy and love to your life. Add photos of aesthetically pleasing things, PJs you feel comfy in, or anything that inspires you to be a better person.
You can also create a digital board (I like to create mine on Pinterest) that you can look at whenever you want to feel inspired or enjoy the things in your life.
9.Spend 10 Minutes on Meditation
Don’t forget that the idea behind romanticizing your life is about self-love and being in the present moment. You can achieve both by adding meditation and mindfulness into your life. Every day, try to spend at least 10 minutes on meditation.
I like listening to guided meditation on YouTube, but you can pick one from meditation apps or join an online meditation group. The idea behind meditation is to relax so that you can focus on how amazing you are.
10.Create an Annual Self-Care Day
Just like you celebrate your birthday, create an annual self-care-slash-self-love day when you dedicate a whole day to just pampering yourself. Make a plan in advance and include all the activities you love doing. Activities that make you happy. You can tweak your routine on this day and do whatever you love.
Want to enjoy your morning tea in bed? Do it! Want a massage? Book it! This is your day and romance yourself until you feel truly pampered.
11.Look Back on Your Happy Memories
As I have mentioned before, you can choose to add your photo walk pictures to a digital album where you can come back and enjoy those happy memories. Whenever you feel the need to add some joy and love to your life, go scroll through that album.
Looking back on happy memories can make you remember the fun you had and all the new experiences you had lived through. Relive those memories once again and feel happy!
12.Create a Self-Care Kit
Whatever brings you comfort during stressful times, add to your self-care kit. You can add items to your self-care kit that cheer you up instantly and are also available to you easily. Here’s the recipe to create your DIY Self-Care Kit. Take a look at it, and create your own.
I have things in my self-care kit that caters to my five senses. I have a stress ball (touch), my favorite CD (sound), my favorite chocolate (taste), my favorite book (sight), and my favorite essential oils (smell).
13.Listen to Your “Main Character” Playlist
Now, don’t forget that you’re the main character of your life’s movie and every main character needs a badass soundtrack. Make a playlist for that! Add all the songs that empower you to your music playlist and listen to them when you want to feel motivated or inspired.
I have a couple of songs on my “Main Character” Playlist that I won’t mind sharing with you. I have “Walking on Sunshine” by Katrina and The Waves, “Firework” and “Roar” by Katy Perry, and “Start Over” by Gaho.
14.Stick to a Bedtime Routine
Just like you have a morning routine, stick to a bedtime one too. Having a good night’s sleep is important to feel your best self, after all. No one likes a grumpy and sleep-deprived person. Make sure you have a good bedtime routine, every night. This includes a good sleep-wake schedule, a comfy sleep environment, and no distractions.
If you prefer, you can use sleep podcasts, sleep music, or even white noise in the background to ensure healthy sleep. And don’t forget your comfy PJs!
Life is All About Romance…
At the end of it all, it’s the love that we give ourselves that matters the most. As Tom Bodett quotes, “They say a person needs just three things to be truly happy in this world: Someone to love, something to do, and something to hope for.” – I believe we truly need love, hope, and joy in our lives to feel alive.
I hope this article helped you understand the concept of romanticizing your life to its fullest. I sincerely hope that you’ll take the advice listed in this blog to heart and romance yourself like no one’s watching!
For more advice, feel free to write to me at or leave me a message on Calm Sage’s social media profile. If you enjoyed reading this article, then do come over to our social media and drop a “Hi!” We love hearing from you, always!
Love yourself, now and always!