35+ Manifestation Affirmations To Attract Success & Positivity In Your Life!

It’s okay and even quite normal to maintain a positive mindset during the most challenging times. And it’s normal to forget the power of our negative feelings and thoughts when those challenging situations arise.
I was used to hearing people say to me when I was at my lowest, “Stay positive” “Think positive”. At that time, I kept wondering what staying positive is going to do? I’ll still be stuck in this situation whether I think or stay positive. Later, I realized the power of positive thinking.
Every thought you think, every emotion you feel is an affirmation. In challenging situations, positive affirmations can help you feel confident and empowered.
It’s so very important to understand how manifestation affirmations work when it comes to attracting success and positivity in your life.
Trust me when I say this, a positive mindset and the power of affirmations can have monumental effects on your life!
How To Use Manifestation Affirmations?
You have heard of the law of attraction, right? The law of attraction states that what we think, we feel; we attract. Thoughts become things. When we begin manifesting, we try many exercises, but one of the simplest ways is to use affirmations.
Affirmations are an effective way to change your mindset and attitude. When you say an affirmation, you allow yourself and the universe to respond to your request. Align your thoughts and actions with the affirmations as you speak them and see how you handle whatever the universe throws at you!
Here’s how you can use your manifestation affirmations:
- Write them down at least 5 times in a journal (either in the morning or at night)
- Say them aloud before you begin your day
- Use them as a mantra for when you meditate
- Write them on a piece of paper and stick them on your vision board, wall, your mirror, or keep them in your wallet
- Create a graphic with your manifestation affirmation and use it as a phone wallpaper or desktop wallpaper
35+ Manifestation Affirmations For You!
1. For Success
- I know to make smart choices for myself
- I have all I need to have a great day today!
- I am and will be enough and strong
- I know and accept my self-worth
- I have no negative feelings about myself and my life. My life is good
- I am open to only the best opportunities and I am surrounded by positive people in my life
- I have courage and I am willing to face my fears
- I have unlimited potential and power to change my life
- I am a creator and I create the life I want to enjoy
- I discover something new every day and I’m always traveling on exciting paths
2. For Abundance In Life
- I will make my dreams come true
- I am worthy of love and kindness
- I am perfect as I am. I don’t need to change myself for the sake of others
- My mind is clear and focused
- I am love, I am a success, I am enough
3. For Manifesting Desires
- I am living the outcome I once dreamed
- I have found my purpose and passion in life and am living it every day with joy
- I have set a very clear and precise intention
- I know that everything in my life manifests from within
- I always see myself as a success in all my current and future endeavors
- While I am manifesting what I desire, I am grateful for what I have now
- I am letting my thoughts become reality every day
- I am nurturing my inner focus and energy from within
- I cannot change what has happened but I can change my future
- I’m forever grateful for my powerful and uplifting energy and thoughts
4. For Visualization
- I am visualizing what I want in my life
- I am letting the seed of my desire blossom into a beautiful reality
- I have the power to manifest my dream life
- I am dreaming bigger and better, pushing myself to my full potential
- I am happy for who I am and grateful for all that I have
5. For Everything Else In Life
- I trust the Universe to present me with what I need at the right time
- I am worthy of receiving positive feedback and everything positive
- I am getting better and better every day
- I am where I’m supposed to be and with people, I’m supposed to be with
- I have abundant financial resources, happiness, and love
- I’m surrounded by positive people who help me become a better version of myself and help me reach my dreams
- The Universe has got my back
- Every day I thrive to live my best life
- I’m stepping out of my comfort zone to reach my goals and move closer to my dreams
- I have love, support, and acceptance from myself and the people around me
The Manifestation Process
Before you begin using these manifestation affirmations for success and positivity, let’s take a look at the manifestation process:
1. Decide What You Want
The first step of the manifestation process is to decide what you desire and being very clear about it too! When you decide what you want, be very clear about it in your mind.
2. Visualize Your Outcome
Once you’ve decided what you desire, visualize it being your reality. Use your five senses to visualize your desired outcome. Do this until it becomes your reality!
3. Celebrate Your Wins
As you get closer to your manifested desire, celebrate the wins you encounter on the way too. It doesn’t matter if they are big wins or small victories, celebrate them nonetheless.
4. Feel The Gratitude
During the entire manifestation process, feel gratitude and affection. After every win, express your gratitude towards the Universe.
Writer’s Thoughts
Manifesting what you want or desire is easy. Just follow the manifestation process and use the manifestation affirmations to begin attracting what you desire. Whether it be success or positivity, once you’ve started the process, you’ll receive.
Manifest the best life you can think of and use the above-mentioned manifestation affirmations to bring it to reality. Remember, your words and thoughts become your reality. So instead of focusing on the negative, direct your inner energy and power to think positive and believe in the positive.
I hope the above manifestation affirmations help you bring your dreams into reality and attract the success and positivity you desire! If you’d like to know more, you can always connect with us either through social media or via email at info@calmsage.com.
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May your dreams become your reality, soon!
Happy Manifesting!
It's really perfect, A powerful resource of goals and affirmation
Hey Lourvina, We are Grateful to see we are able to help you. Keep reading and keep Sharing Love. Team Calmsage