Why is Online Therapy trending and is It Really effective?

With the growing rage of online therapy, the first reason for the trend of online therapy strikes in my mind was anytime and anywhere availability of best counselors and psychologists across the world. In an online therapy platform, various psychologists and therapists work together for mental wellness.
Even therapists feel like online therapy is a platform where they can show their skills and can practice counseling even in free time. From an interview with a therapist, I have concluded some points which relate to the trend of online therapy are:
- Only licensed therapists can join the platform
- Effective communication skills
- Shares live phone and video sessions
- Unlimited asynchronous messaging service
- Face-to-face therapy
- Instant feedback, insights, and guidance
- Easy access to therapy
- Can log in from anywhere around the world where therapists are not available, such as rural areas
For confidentiality purposes, online therapy platforms are covered with patient privacy, legal and ethical issues which include inter-jurisdictional practice issues.
Is online therapy effective?
I think the effectiveness of online therapy depends on your needs. There are certain therapies and issues which can be really effective remotely or we can say digitally. Researches around the effectiveness of online therapy show that telemedicine or tele-psychopathy is amazingly effective when done properly.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Furthermore, studies show that CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy) is a talking therapy that can be done over the call or through video calls to address the mental health condition of the sentenced person. CBT method is really effective when it comes to online therapy because the counselor can spur negative thinking from a video or audio call. Moreover, you can also learn how to respond to negative situations and thoughts without having emotional distress through an online therapy platform.
Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder
Moreover, online therapy is known to be really effective for Obsessive-Compulsive disorder (OCD), since the issues and thoughts can be shared through an online platform.
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
A study on veterans who experienced PTSD shows that now veterans can easily access the internet and can have a video conferencing call for the treatment from the office. Moreover, 24*7 online platform is a big hit because it helps people in urgent situations as well.
Eating Disorder
Furthermore, it has been recorded that online therapies are also effective for eating disorders. A study performed in 2008 shows that the results were similar for people experiencing bulimia nervosa. People counseled through online therapy were actually able to overcome eating disorders as similar they were counseled in a one-on-one session.
Discussions going around the topic
So far as research for online therapy effectiveness, it shows that online therapy platforms are promising. But, some researchers are still discussing the fact that person-to-person therapy is still effective.
Meanwhile, some researchers also stated that if telepsychology does not work for you, you can still opt for face-to-face sessions. This point makes a lot of sense… like you can opt for online therapy in the first go; if it does not work out… you can opt for face-to-face sessions.
Newly introduced platforms like Talkspace or Verywell Mind are providing therapy through messaging, video calling, and audio calling via scheduled sessions. As far as the research, online therapies are effective for introducing self-help strategies, behavioral therapies, or in the recovering phase. However, if the concerned person is in severe condition, the therapist and family members should understand the severity and treatment in person.
I would suggest finding the right therapist for you via an online therapy platform that is qualified and registered; online therapy can really prove to be effective for you. So, before booking an appointment with an online therapist, complete your research.
Moreover for severe conditions, I would suggest to appoint a face-to-face session. I hope this blog helps you to find if online therapy is really effective or not. Comment down your queries regarding online counseling effectiveness. For more such content and self-help strategies, follow Calm Sage on all social media platforms.
Thanks for reading!
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