The Art of Kintsugi: Embracing Broken Things and Feelings

Last Update on October 28, 2020 : Published on October 28, 2020
The Art of Kintsugi

Kintsukuroi (golden joinery), 400+-year-old Japanese art is known as a pottery repairing process that honors the art of not hiding. According to the Japanese, Kintsugi came into action in the 15th century when Ashikaga Yoshimasa accidentally broke his tea bowl. Therefore, he sent his tea bowl for repair in China and when it came back stapled together, he was quite disappointed with the solution. He was confused with the metal pins stuck to the tea bowl. He observed that the cracks were filled with golden lacquer.

The golden lacquer actually made the gold look more valuable and unique. However, after some time the bowl again became his favorite with a whole new prompt art. The art of Kintsugi took place when the broken bowl was transformed and was related to the feeling of regret when something is wasted and changes are accepted with cracks and joints covered with natural forms. Indeed, the natural transforms make it more beautiful, rare and embrace originality.

How Art of Kintsugi is Related to Humans:

The Art of Kintsugi comes with acceptance and facing reality. Moreover, you cannot expect someone to always be perfect. However, appreciating the vulnerabilities, old wounds, and mistakes makes us more perfect. We all are fallible, we all grow and heal, and we all survive. However, accepted errors and exposed vulnerabilities bring out more trust and intimacy in relationships.

consider this when you are broken

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However, we still observe people’s honesty as a flaw instead of being positive about it. We still tend to not admit our failures as we think it will create more problems. Ever wondered why this happens! It happens because we abstract from other’s experiences and see our experiences concretely.

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Other’s experiences play an instructive tale because we somewhere lack empathy. However, when bad things happen with us, we expect ourselves to be condemned. Having vulnerable feeling for others and inadequacy for yourself is completely wrong.

The art of Kintsugi teaches us that, “imperfections are gifts to be worked with, not shames to be hidden.”

5 Lessons to Learn from “The Art of Kintsugi”

1. Taking help of others makes completes you

Seeking help or support when you actually need does not reflect weakness. Instead, it reflects strength. Similarly, acceptance towards your flaws and making them right with the help of others actually completes you. Therefore, whenever in trouble, do not hesitate to seek support.

2. You need glue to stick everything together

To obtain the Kintsugi Art you need glue to stick everything together to make it more beautiful. Similarly, to maintain the relationships and bring out the best of relationships, we need trust and acceptance as a glue to stick the relationship together lifelong.

3. Wholeness is the priority

What completes you…perfect body, lashes, pretty nails, or masculine bodies! Your physical appearance does not reflect your actual personality. Your actual personality comes from trust, kindness, acceptance, and resilience. Hence, do not count for physical appearances; start looking for what completes you! And make wholeness your priority.

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4. Don’t be afraid to remember

Living in the past and learning from the past are two different things. Living in the past makes you more weak and useless. Meanwhile, learning from the past gives you personal growth and makes you stronger. Make a wise choice, try to learn from your past experiences, and make your future more beautiful.

5. Embrace your rareness

Like, the Art of Kintsugi makes the broken bowl more beautiful and rare. Explore your rareness, accept it, and make it unique. Do not let your weakness reflect your personality. Embrace your rareness!

I hope this blog helps you to understand “The Art of Kintsugi” in brief. Comment down and let us know how imperfections and acceptance works for you. For more such inspiring content, follow Calm Sage on all social media platforms.

Thanks for reading!

Let’s embrace the imperfections together!

About The Author

Aayushi Kapoor
Aayushi Kapoor

Aayushi is a Content Creator at Calm Sage. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Food Technology and a Master's Degree in Clinical Nutrition. Her constant interest in the improvement of mental health, nutrition, and overall wellness embarked upon her career as a “full-time educational writer.” She likes to make an asynchronous connection with her readers. Her mantra for living life is "What you seek is seeking you".


  1. Pixie Dust
    Pixie Dust

    This is the most beautiful thing I have seen on the internet. Amazing, beautiful, motivating, just loved it. Thank you author for this piece. Sending you more love!

  2. Kerin

    This is a beautiful blog. Kudos!

  3. Aditi Singh
    Aditi Singh

    Hi. First thanks a lot for this effort, found your post amazing and this is something I have never heard of. This Japanese art looks useful in healing broken feelings .

  4. CHTN

    One of the best & most positive articles I have read on the internet in recent time.. I knew a bit about this Japanese concept of repairing broken pots but not this much.

  5. James

    Kingtsugi teaches nothing or nobody is broken you just need to know how to fix a thing

  6. Jackie

    This is the first time I have heard of such a thing. Thanks for bringing this to us. Very lovely read!

  7. Tom hanks
    Tom hanks

    thanks for this post I really don't know about this type of thing

  8. Nkeet

    couldn't agree more on this because even light needs a bit of place tro

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