Effects Of Divorce On Children: Helping Them To Become Emotionally Intelligent

Before we begin, we must warn you that the purpose of this blog is not to make you feel guilty of separating from your spouse. Our intention is to rather make you understand the effects of divorce on your child’s mental, social and emotional health.
Being a parent and divorcing a spouse looks like a rocky road ahead for you and everyone involved, especially children. The most common change one can see in their child is behavioral changes where some are severely affected whereas others appear unaffected.
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It is necessary to acknowledge that every child is different and has different abilities to cope up with the stress, anxiety and major life transitions. Before anything else, you need not to shame yourself for the divorce if it has given you peace from the unhealthy lifestyle.
Later, it’s time to support your kids with the understanding of how divorce affects toddlers and what is the possible impact on them with possible solutions.
How Divorce Affects Children?
It is acceptable if your kids are not able to think logically about what’s happening in the family. Some may think that it’s their fault that their parents are not happy together and may even try mentally harder to bring them in one place. If it’s happening with your kids too then make sure you speak with them openly and clear out the confusions they possess.
One of the most common effects of divorce on children is sadness, feeling like crying, and even depression. They may lose interest in playing their favorite games, face trouble in sleeping, lower grades in school, fighting with their fellows and consume less food than usual.
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Some kids may show a sense of relief while being sad at the same time. Others may become frightened and angry thinking about what the future holds for them. Life becomes full of uncertainty and this creates behavioral problems in children of divorced parents.
Be it any age, no kid has an instant coping mechanism and needs to be inculcated. While you are also finding healthy tips to cope up divorce and separation, keep looking at the signs how your children are taking it up.
Signs Your Kids Are Not Coping Well
1. Regressive Behavior
Toddlers and young children may show signs of regression like resuming thumb sucking, wetting the bed or other babyish behavior they had outgrown already. They may not be dealing with the situation very well and may even need help from a professional counselor.
Parents must acknowledge themselves with an online therapy guide for kids in order to keep a check on their mental health.
2. Showing Needy Behavior
As young ones are not expected to be great at words, their needy behavior will show their botherations. They can cry more frequently, spend more than usual time with parents, and cannot take the transition so easily. Parents need to look at the extreme behavior kids are displaying and help them for wellness.
3. Tantrums & Outbursts
Another effect of divorce on kids include throwing tantrums far more than frequent. There could also be frequent emotional outbursts which may include yelling, screaming, and lacking logical thinking. Talking to your kids, counseling, and seeking professional help could be helpful in maintaining the mental and emotional balance.
Ready to Seek Professional Help?
4. Trouble At School
Kids are not getting good grades? They are constantly indulging in fights? Troubling the authorities? It is possible that kids are suppressing their emotions from their parents but these emotions are released in their school in different ways.
5. Eating & Sleeping Issues
The impact of divorce on kids can lead to eating disorders where they either try to avoid food or start to binge-eat. Such unhealthy eating patterns start affecting their physical (obesity, diabetes, blood pressure) and mental health. Apart from eating disorders, children may show a change in sleeping pattern like either facing insomnia or so depressed that they are sleeping all day long.
6. Rebellious Behavior
If the child is running away from everyone, indulging oneself in drugs/alcohol, driving rashly or giving threats of suicide then it is best to connect yourself to a counselor as soon as possible. This could even be done by emailing us your query at info@calmsage.com.
How To Help A Child Become Emotionally Intelligent?
Kids who are emotionally intelligent do not suppress their emotions inside and usually express them to the concerned people.
Parents can teach their children about how to become emotionally sound by:
- Having a discussion with them about how they are feeling and name the feeling they are experiencing at the moment.
- Build a nurturing connection with the children so that they can talk to their parents whenever they feel like.
- Showing them healthy ways to deal with emotions like breathing exercises, talking things, etc.
- Avoiding the punishment when they are in emotional turmoil but helping them to work out on their emotions in a better way.
- Praising them when they are open about their emotions and feelings and helping them to practice more.
Message From Writer
We totally understand the reasons behind breakups, separation and divorce as they are a channel to seek things which were not available during togetherness. However, your concern about children and the effects of divorce on toddlers is also understandable.
But have faith in yourself, be there for your kids and help them become emotionally stronger and healthier. If you want us to help you in between, don’t hesitate to message us at info@calmsage.com.
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