Dating At Different Stages Of Life: Guide From A Relationship Counselor

Last Update on August 25, 2021 : Published on June 22, 2021

Love just happens; it does not see age or other factors. Like, there is no new bar for starting new; similarly, there is no age bar to start dating. Dating is tricky these days, sometimes you don’t want to indulge yourself emotionally into someone, sometimes you feel like that they are the one.

No matter what if you are trying to date someone after breaking up, or trying to date someone after losing your spouse, or starting new as a teenager.

This blog revolves around dating advice by our relationship counselor on how to date at different stages of life. So, let’s get started.

For better scrolling and reading experience, you may refer to the below list:

  • Dating advice for teenagers
  • Dating advice for beyond 20s
  • Dating advice for beyond 30s
  • Dating advice after dealing with infidelity

Dating Advice for Teenagers

Dating advice for teenagers

If you are a teenager and you have stopped by this article to read these pieces of advice, I am grateful to you as you are not one of those who want to explore bodies or just go with the flow. You carry something really intense for your partners or loved ones.

Well, dating in the teenage phase is exciting and heartbreaking as well. Your dating life or phase has just started and it may happen that you have to go through constant events of heartbreaks. It also might happen that you find the love of your life at this age (if you have already found one, consider yourself lucky).

Or if you’re not ready to date someone, it’s completely okay to take your time. It also might happen that you may get rejected at this age, do not take this personally, instead work on polishing your personality.

While if you’re dating someone, make sure you both share a mutual respect for each other, and explore life along with your partner. You can also try mindful dating.

Dating Advice for Beyond 20s

Dating advice for beyond 20s

If you’re in your 20s, let me tell you you’re definitely going through an interesting time. You are trying to establish your career and you really want to spend your whole life with the person you’re dating.

Meanwhile, some of you might be having a “friends with benefits” thing as well and do not go out for casual dating. Let me tell you, it’s quite fun at first but it always ends up getting complicated.

Therefore, it’s better to clear things up before it ends up in one-sided love or a one-sided relationship. I am definitely a casual date-type person and I am not disrespecting your thoughts, however, just reminding you that never become the person who hurts others.

And, if you are looking for a long-term relationship, just try to have a fixed and positive mindset so that you can be capable of handling responsibilities (personally and professionally). Act responsibly and look for mutual signs, do not fall for the one-sided thing.

Dating Advice for Beyond 30s

Dating advice for beyond 30s

Dating in the 30s is way different than dating in the 20s or teenage. You must be a mature person with a job and responsibilities. However, if your mental health is at stake, please do not throw it on another person and just try to get it stable. If you’re still looking for someone who can challenge your thoughts, you should try dating people of your similar age (because they understand you and your job better).

If you are not ready to date someone, it’s completely okay, just don’t forget to pen down your feelings in a journal. If you’re ready to date, make sure you’re doing it without keeping your mental health at stake.

Dating Advice After Dealing With Infidelity

Dating advice after dealing with infidelity

If you’ve been with someone in a long-term relationship and they cheated on you, I understand you don’t feel like getting into the dating game again. However, if you’re seeing someone who can be a compatible match, make sure you’re starting fresh and trusting them. Do not let the past overshadow your future. Make sure you have already established boundaries and rules with your partner.

If you’re not ready to date someone after infidelity, it’s okay, take your time and get professional help if required. Here are more ways to deal with infidelity in a relationship.

Getting Help

Research shows that getting online therapy is way similar to traditional therapy. If you are having issues related to dating, relationship issues, infidelity, grief, or loneliness, you can always get professional help through online platforms.

If you wish to get counseling for relationships and other stuff related to counseling, click here to get connected with a relationship counselor.

Visit Regain Counseling

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I hope this blog helps you with dating advice at different stages of life. Comment down and share your dating experiences after applying the advice given by our relationship counselor. For more such content, follow Calm Sage on all social media platforms.

Thanks for reading!

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About The Author

Aayushi Kapoor
Aayushi Kapoor

Aayushi is a Content Creator at Calm Sage. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Food Technology and a Master's Degree in Clinical Nutrition. Her constant interest in the improvement of mental health, nutrition, and overall wellness embarked upon her career as a “full-time educational writer.” She likes to make an asynchronous connection with her readers. Her mantra for living life is "What you seek is seeking you".

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