What Is Interdependent Relationship And Effective Ways To Build It?

Last Update on June 30, 2022 : Published on June 30, 2022

I often talk about modern dating and their related issues because somewhere they cause an uncomforting sensation inside me! And, I think it happens with most of us. Modern dating is not easy, especially when you really love someone and want to date them exclusively.

When we really want to make a connection, it is really important to keep the wiring and bonds strong so that the relationship can turn into a long-term relationship. The fact is that only intimacy and love are not important to form a better and more valued relationship, the quality of emotional connection with each other is also the most important ingredient.

When we think about modern dating styles, we often think about ghosting, digital abuses, and more. The definition of an ideal relationship has completely changed! It should be a place where you feel safe and cozy! Luckily, we have an interdependent relationship style that teaches us how we can form a long-term, safe, cozy, valued, and emotional bonding relationship with our partner.

Do you also want to know more about interdependent relationships? Well, keep reading this blog to understand what exactly an interdependent relationship is!

An Introduction to Interdependent Relationship

interdependent -relationship

An interdependent relationship means having a partner that identifies and values your importance in the relationship. While they keep the intimacy up, such relationships are also good at maintaining and sharing an emotional bond. Such partners have a strong sense of self and recognize the dynamics of the relationship and love.

To put it in a nutshell:

An interdependent relationship is when a partner identifies the value and vulnerability of their partner and when they provide meaningful ways to your relationship by creating an emotional bond or intimacy.

Such partners are good at valuing the sense of self of their partners which increases the bond between them gradually.

Focusing on the context, an interdependent relationship is not at all dependent on your partner. It is also not unhealthy or scary. It is based on valuing each other’s independence by supporting each other emotionally.

Interdependent Vs. Codependent Relationship

Interdependent relationships and a co-dependent relationship have major differences. While the one is based on interdependence, the other one is based on total dependency on the partner. In a codependent relationship, a partner somewhere lost the sense of well-being and self. While in an interdependent relationship, both partners become better at maintaining their sense of self and forming a better emotional bonding.

In a codependent relationship, it is hard to distinguish where to begin and where to end the sense of self and other abilities. Here are some of the common major differences between co-dependent relationships and interdependent relationships:

Codependent Relationship

Interdependent Relationship

Poor boundaries

Better and improves boundaries

People-pleasing behaviors

Emotional bonding and

Unhealthy and ineffective communication

Effective communication with better understanding

Manipulative behavior

Emotional understanding

Low self-esteem

Improved self-esteem

Signs you’re in an Interdependent Relationship


As an interdependent relationship is better at balancing our inner selves, there are certainly positive signs that show you might be in an interdependent relationship:

Interdependent relationships can also be found between parents, friends, and loved ones. When you feel valued or cherished because of your parents, it might show that you have an interdependent relationship with your parents. When parents understand and never let us feel alone, I think it’s high time that we as children should also provide a safe, cherished, and valued environment to our parents so that our emotional bonding can become stronger.

Effective Ways to Build Interdependent Relationships

The major key to building or forming an interdependent relationship is to keep practicing mindfulness. The other key is to avoid feeling alone and not reflecting on your mistakes or past. The idea is to provide personal and emotional space to you and your partner so that you can both form a better emotional bonding. According to interdependent relationships, we must value our partner’s goals, thoughts, and everything. Below are some tips to form an interdependent relationship with your partner, parents, or loved ones:

  • Value your or their likes and dislikes
  • Never afraid to seek support
  • Spend time with them
  • Focus on completing your goals
  • Motivate them to do better
  • Practice mindfulness
  • Make time for your interests
  • Learn to say “no”
  • Don’t please others instead start discussing your real problems in an effective manner
  • Provide them personal space

How to move from a Co-dependent Relationship to Interdependent Relationship?

Allowing yourself to heal from your past mistakes and practicing self-forgiveness will be your first step toward moving from a codependent relationship. The other step is to make room to enable your sense of self is also important. Afterward, you can work on seeking support, forming an intimacy, and showing affection so that you can strengthen the bond with your partner. Just make sure you’re not being controlled or controlling throughout the journey.

Related Read: What is Emotional Intimacy?

I hope this blog helps you understand interdependent relationships. Comment down your views on the same. For more such content, connect with us on all social media platforms.

Thanks for reading!

About The Author

Aayushi Kapoor
Aayushi Kapoor

Aayushi is a Content Creator at Calm Sage. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Food Technology and a Master's Degree in Clinical Nutrition. Her constant interest in the improvement of mental health, nutrition, and overall wellness embarked upon her career as a “full-time educational writer.” She likes to make an asynchronous connection with her readers. Her mantra for living life is "What you seek is seeking you".

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